Maybe we're all missing the obvious about what "keep your head on a swivel" means.

11  2016-09-28 by misstheolddaysfan

Maybe he means that he's the shark, he's stabbing people in the back, and watch out, cause he'll stab you too. He tried to get rid of Ron and Fez, he tried to get rid of Jimmy. Of course everyone should keep their head on a swivel.


He'll spin it like he always does. Jim and Sam seemed very genuine in talking about everything.

Opie will do an afternoon show and spew his usual "I'VE BEEN DOING THIS A LONG FWAUCKIN' TIME I KNOW THINGS" bullshit.

Soon he'll be spinning records in Saskatchewan.

At the only station that really rocks?

Not the only, but perhaps one of several that really rocks.

Spinny spin spin spin.

Of COURRRRRSE. That's the BIT.

If opie did an afternoon show no one would hear it - he has to put it out on youtube.

I think he means that he's going to beat Jimmy up in the halls. This is the guy who was gonna fight Bubba, remember?

Opie is a prima donna. All this means is he's giving a last piece of advice to watch out for those around you because they will fuck you over. He's not threatening anyone, he's just another self absorbed victim.

It means he is going to send his hit man, the re-friended Antwan Kumiyya, to shoot the place up.