Will Jimmy & Sam Let Ant Call In?

1  2016-09-28 by SallieTomato

He tried it with Tits, but the snitching oaf of a crooked ex-cop Club Soda Kenny put the kibosh on that. And when Ant tried it a second time, Tits started playing a Black Keys song instead of taking his call. Well, do you guys think J & S will let Ant call in the show?' And not only that, but on the first day? Speculate! Speculate!


Ant implied he would be able to go into the studio now that tits is gone, so I will say yes.

didn't SXM ban Ant from the building?

I'd be willing to bet that it's a part of Opies contract instead.

Hence why his "let him up" tweets that one time didn't lead to anything.

So if he is allowed in the studio, does that mean we get ant back?

Kenny getting let go would be the best present ever.

then he would go into "security consulting".

Don't see why not

as an aside, I think this show will work. This is Sammy Branmuffins big break. a WWE gig aside, this is what he's been working & waiting for all these years. He's had "shows on the radio" before at different time slots all over SXM, but this is a show show. A major, mainstream SXM morning show, and he's one of the stars, not just a part of the staff. He gets to boss around executive producers now, not just a bunch interns. Eventually they will find their footing and make something we want to listen to. And Jimmy will not let Sam fail because he has a vested interest in this, too. Looks like Sam's poor, long suffering wife's patience paid off! What will be interesting to see is if Tits tells all the O & A comic friends of the show that if they do J & S, they cant do his show. Will the comics choose loyalty to fellow comic Jimmy, you know-the guy who is responsible for getting them on the air the first place, over Opie's clout? It will be interesting to watch.

Uh...have you heard it yet?

He's got a time machine

No, but I was speculating.

Kenny will be busy guarding all the yeast at.the Panera warehouse.

Do you people have Alzheimers? SiriusXM won't allow Anthony in the building.

They probably aren't going to allow Jim & Sam to take his calls either.


There must be some reason why Ant thinks it's possible. Maybe it's been all about the Opester's demands this whole time, and Ant knows no one else there actually cares. Then again it could have been a publicity thing on Ant's part to keep some measure of relevance by keeping us hens clucking. I guess we'll find out.

I just listened to a few minutes of this-http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x4uzzol In the beginning, Ant says "Now that Opie is gone, things change, pieces move around, things could happen now that couldn't happen before. I'm gonna see what I can do with Jimmy at SXM in some way, shape or form in the future." So that means, maybe SXM doesn't care anymore about Ant not being in the building or whatever. And that it was Opie, not SXM, that played a large part in that banning thing.

. . . or it's Anthony once again making vague promises to a gullible audience, as he's been doing for the last 2+ years.

"Fezzie Happy Dance" me doesnt wanna believe that

Thats how I see it too. SXM probably didn't have a big problem with Ant's incident but Opie saw it as an opportunity to get rid of him. I'd like to see everything go back to the way it was years ago before Opie ran everyone off (without Op of course). Jim, Sam, and Ant in the mornings followed by the Benningtons.

SXM probably didn't have a big problem with Ant's incident but Opie saw it as an opportunity to get rid of him.

Yep, thats pretty much what Ant said yesterday. So now that Tits is out of the picture, maybe it can go back to the way it was before.

