Opie snapping his fingers at staff to get them to do stuff.

13  2016-09-28 by andiswearrrr

Has Anthony told this story before? I got major deja vu when he said it and it's driving me nuts.

Opie: What? have people been saying stuff?

Anthony: NO! It's just something you obviously don't do to people! I can tell by their faces!


He mentioned it in the first gregshells episode

Ah, thanks.

The show was very funny and definitely worth a watch again. It tickled my ribs if you catch my drift.

A man with tits snapping at people while reclined in his chair.

The staff must have PTSD after being subjected to Opie snapping his fingers with his big greasy toe thumbs at them.

in various shows, I've always heard Tits do the snap snap thing faintly in the background, like when theres two or more guests in the studio and different things start happening all at once. its a faggoty douchey thing to do, but then look who we're talking about here.

He HOLD ON HOLD ON'd George Carlin

why am I not shocked by that at all? lol

I can tell by their faces

Well obviously he can't. He's autistic.

They don't take kindly to snap'n at the soup kitchen.

And guess what? Had an alcoholic dad that beat his mother. Opie and Ramsay should do a radio show.

I know man fuck me.

Go watch Gordon Ramsay beyond boiling point on YouTube, watch what a real cunt of a boss is. Sacked for drinking water in front of customers:

I honestly don't see what's wrong with snapping if it's just to get a person's attention.


Ya'll mother fuckers needs to hol' on. Sassy Opie gots the game. MmmmsniffHmmm

Because its demeaning. Snapping fingers is how you get a dogs attention.

Nor for man to have little breasts.

If it was whilst mics were on and he was trying to silently get peoples attention what's the big deal?

You might have a point if he was a nice guy who was cool in how he treated people, but he's not. We have an endless number of examples proving that he's a massive cunt. We've all (or most of us) had bosses that were insufferable cunts. You really wouldn't mind them snapping at you before pointing at the thing they wanted you to fetch?

He could hit the cough button and loudly whisper a name. That would work fine. But that 1 second might be the 1 second where gold would have come out of his mouth and into the mic. As it so frequently tended to do. Can't risk that!

Yeah maybe its in the context of a dick boss that rubs people the wrong way but Ant has brought it up before like its some bombshell thing. Meh.

Being snapped at is a shit feeling. It's something I associate with shitty people.

When I worked retail, one of the managers would look at workers, snap and say "come here" since he never bothered to learn anybody's name. Dude was a complete fucking asshole, so it doesn't shock me to hear Opie snaps at people, when he could just as easily make a hand motion or write what he wants.

you never see Howard doing it or any other Shock Jock

Howard went on a tirade because his warm water came from the microwave rather than the kettle, or some such shit.

That was Grillo it was a bit mostly for the show.

That was Grillo it was a bit mostly for the show.