The mad man! Anybody see this before he deleted it?

195  2016-09-28 by turtlewink


How great would it be if Opie pulled a Murder-Murder-Suicide involving Ant, Jim and himself. Maybe we all could finally move onto something productive.

Maybe we all could finally move onto something productive.

Nah. Sounds gay.

back to the pile

He said "something productive" not "a black dick".

Nonsense, they produce all the time.

Actually I don't think anyone produces any time.

Nonsense, they reproduce all the time.


I can assure you that the hate we have in our hearts for these men is the only thing keeping us alive.

If all three of them died we'd all have to close our laptops and walk into the light like Patrick Swayze in Ghost.

Or just Patrick Swayze's ghost

This was underrated. I feel like you had a killer concept but coulda reworked the delivery. I would have gone with "Or like Patrick Swayze in 2009" or something because that's when he died and you could have related that to wobbling peckahs and made it humorous for everyone to enjoy or something.

Patrick Swayze picked a pickled peckah
a pack of pickled peckahs Patrick Swayze picked.

Nobody who posts here regularly has anything productive to move onto.

That would be a double murder suicide sir

No, I'd like to see him attempt it, but have his first shot ricochet and kill only him. Then his life of fail would be complete, and he will have finally done something funny.

My portfolio of ways to procrastinate this shitty life away is too diversified to sink with this sub by now.

His twitter messages are always so cryptic, it is hard to untangle his motives.

Holy shit, Opie found Anthony's gun.

Oddly enough, Opie has the psychological profile of someone that would do that - a fallen from grace, narcissistic, insecure, wound collecting creep.

With mommy problems

In all seriousness, you're right on the money. The serial killers profiled on "last podcast on the left" are frequently delusional narcissists.

So that's where Anthonys gun went.


opie is way too big of a pussy to own a gun

"They say owning a gun, doesn't make you a man" - Colin Quinn

Takes a tough guy to fill out paperwork at Cabela's...

See, that's how you do a funny fake Opie tweet, faggots.

Has someone messed with 'The Psycho'??

You gotta get the font right.

It's real, dumbass mispelt Tomorrow.

Ban this slug from the building!

Why do you guys all think he's bitter?

Don't you think he PLANNED all this? He's going to tell us all about how he planned all this. You'll see.

It was obviously his idea, as a master talent manager, to groom Sam to take his place since day one. Of COOOOURRRRRRSE he planned this all. He knew management was very happy with the direction of the show and wouldn't do what had to be done so HE forced their hand. It's the ol' alienate-anyone-who's-ever-showed-you-any-affection-whatsoever-until-they-push-you-out-for-the-good-of-the-show. That's the BIT!

Listen, he's been in this business since he was 18. He knows how this business works. Just think of quick he is to share credit with others and eager to help others find other gigs when they start to overshadow shine on the show.

Can't a guy get a little bit of credit? Little bit?



At least he has good taste in firearms.


Its a FNH, possibly a Five-Seven or FNX.

Ah hell, what do I know. I just grab my container of coffee and my SCAR 16S and I'm good.


Heh, now we both look like a buncha jerks. But what the hell do I know, I just do a poor job of beating up my alien bodied girlfriend then misplace my goddamn firearm while she films the whole thing on Periscope.


I just now got the reference of Karen putting the gun in her underwears.



and dont forget the buttered roll & box o' hollow points!

It's a pistol



I'm pretty sure it's an AR-15, guys...


Goddamn, I laughed at this way harder than I should've

biggest laugh on this sub for a while


If Ant eats a bullet.... does he pop like a champagne cork?

Hey Opie, deal with it.

alright this might be a bit much lol

Fake posts on reddit are fake.

Someone should report this to the FBI. Sure, it's all fun and games in the beginning, but I for one take such veiled threats very seriously.

I could've been a model!

Opie's got a gun...His whole world's come undone..

opies home..drawin' pictures...of sharks n' guns..wiiiith freckled buns..

The only time Ive ever laughed at an Emilio Estevez line:

I figured he was RT'ing Ant.

this provokes / incites violence.... wasn't that why Anthony was ultimately fired...

He really posted this?

enough of these. they weren't funny before he lost his job, they're not funny now.

This CAN'T be real.

I hope your comment is as fake as the tweet.

It's not fake. I'm seeing it too.

Please tell me you are seeing this too

That is a picture of Jeb Bush's gun...He posted it on Twitter a while back.

Opie stole Jeb Bush's gun? What a PSYCHO!

That's crazy. When did he do this? I haven't seen anything on the news about it.