Greatest Heel Turn Ever...Sam Roberts

7  2016-09-28 by jamieblake


As far as the fans are concerned, he's nearly completed a legendary babyface turn. For years O&A fans despised young Branmuffins, identifying him as a mere shit-stirrer suck up with race-traitor hair and an unfortunate voice, all the while ignoring that he was the force behind their beloved Jocktober and that he skillfully and selectively would mock O, A and J for their own protection whenever they would act especially weird or old. When Anthony was fired and Sam was promoted from producer to host of his own show, O&A were suddenly exposed for the old, passive aggressive weirdos they truly are. This resulted in an epic backlash which ultimately left O&A as the cowardly heels of their own universe, clinging to the echoes of their former success while growing increasingly bitter and delusional. Meanwhile, young Branmuffins kept his head down and continued building his resume while his former detractors were captivated watching O&A dig their own graves. Then, when O&A finally collapsed into their graves and their former fanbase joyfully covered their carcasses in dirt, all that remained was was the middle-aged pervert with the quick wit and Dissociative Personality Disorder and his buddy, Mr. Branmuffins, standing atop the burial site, hand-in-hand, poised to rise like a phoenix from the ashes in order to make raqio great again, or sumthen.

Don't you mean face turn?

People hated him and now they...hate him less.

Thats about as Baby-Face as you can get here.