Out of the loop here

0  2016-09-28 by Heinrich_Luftwaffe

I've been away for a week. Can someone get me up to speed here? Why isnt there any OaJ show when their contract still is valid out this week? And all those agressive Tit tweets, Whats that about?


What Opie lacks in co-hosts he makes up for in tits.

Tits stopped showing up pretty much right after the last blowout. Jim got re-signed to do mornings with Sam, Tits got offered another show with a pay cut but turned it down.

And the back and forth passive agressiveness between Jim and Titty? Where did it start?

It's been there since the December fight, but it blew up again after Tits refused to let Jim bring a porn girl on and brought in a comedian he was mad at, then told Jim if he didn't like it he could leave early for the day.

They all died in a terrible accident.

It's christmas dude. Opie is out, Jimmy and Sam are in.