Jim Norton's farewell message to Gregg "Opie" Hughes

3  2016-09-27 by Fletchy22


Too bad it didn't end with airbags deployed

Or with a shotgun.

Dzzkk. or with a fuckin giant chainsaw or sumpthin

Yeah! See? Chip gets it!

which doesnt reflect well on you im afraid

Yeah I've been laying down the Jim shotgun references lately at bad times, they always get lots of downvotes. Makes me chuckle.

A friend wants to know what song that is.

what is he driving?


an apartment near astor place an x6? geez louise.

60 000 goes a long way these days

That is objectively hilarious.

He's making fun of Titsie's smile. Yes? Am I a faggot cuck for needing clarification?

Please advise.

He looks like Trump with AIDS.

Or ON CRACK am I rite guys?

tss no wait, hes on fawkin steroids!!

Or with a shotgun.

60 000 goes a long way these days