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8  2016-09-27 by bonniesretardsister



This is one of the dumbest things that's ever been posted on here. You mean I can hear Ant yelling about politics!

I'm thinking more than yelling. I think a Trump loss pushes him over the edge as the capper of a really bad year.

no, its not. Lets all just simmer the fuck down. Its still just a woman beating tranny lover saying nigger a lot.

Just imagine it. Anthony is stressed from doing 6 hours of a show with a bunch of technical fuck ups. Then gets this tweet.

"AP Projects Hillary Clinton Wins Electoral College Vote With Ohio Victory."

We could see him die live on the interwebs.

I paid my six bucks to hear Anthony talk about the Jimmy situation on his show in 20 minutes. You mean you guys didn't?

If Clinton wins, the stream will end with Gavin blowing his brains out