Opie: 35 years in radio, 366k Twitter followers. His announcement that his show is over gets these numbahs. What an irrelevant zilch

40  2016-09-27 by SHITLORD_CUNTDICK


Ant getting fired made the rounds on a lot of major news outlets. It got tons of attention. Opie's departure barely had any mention despite his Aspergery attempt at manufacturing viral buzz with his bizarre beach videos. Opie gets to leave the business just like he entered it: alone and irrelevant.

la la la la la la laaaaaa... goodbye, sharkman!

That's a little dishonest.

One of them got fired from a well known show that had been on for years and had been through many scandals -- by getting involved in another scandal where he went on a racist tirade after taking creepy photos of women on the street at 1 AM because he's a ghoul.

Opie was fired/let go/whatever at the end of his contract and it's still not "official" and it's been nothing but cryptic nonsense.

So that's not a very headline-grabbing story and it's related to a show (Opie and Jim) that no one gives a shit about. It definitely would have made the news outlets if this happened 5 or 6 years ago during O&A days.

Ants had a scandal to it though since he was allegedly taking photos of a black woman. Plus it was talked about on a popular radio show.

So the swivel the head thing is cuz he thinks Jimmy signing has screwed over his deal because it makes him less valuable, right?

No. I still say he'll be on afternoons with Vic more than likely.

He's just pathetically trying to get people to think he's cool again by being the rebel like Anthony raging against the guy who went behind his back for a new deal. Jimmy is in with The Man, mahhhhn!

Only nobody gives a shit plus Jim said several times he was going to do exactly this.

I agree with this. He feels betrayed by someone. The "swivel" line wasnt a warning to other people at Sirius, it was a comment to everyone else than you gotta watch your back cause people will fuck you over. He is playing the victim card, for sure.

Guys, so in this scenario Jimmy is on his channel in prime morning drive slot and Opie gets shitty afternoons. Obviously the two "radio stars" are agitated with one another and my guess is Opie prefers to not have anything to do with Jimmy.

I hope Jimmy was laughing when he signed it.

You have to think like a delusional asshole to understand Opie's logic:

He and Jim are a team and they have more negotiating power as a team. That way, they can tell SXM "if we don't get X, you'll lose both of us."

By Jim signing, Opie is the odd man out. Now, he's negotiating for his best deal -band not a team's best deal.

As far as I'm concerned, Opie got what was coming to him. According to everyone, Opie made negotiations a living hell. He left many people in the lurch about their job security numerous times. Now, the tables have turned. Fuck him.

Meanwhile Denny's tweet about having deejayed a few weddings at aquariums.. is pushing 40. Opie really is a dweeb

119 at this point in time.

ME: It's because of the title, the message was so well hidden that the haters just skipped on by.

It's late in Bangladesh. Once they hear this news tomorrow morning expect an outpouring of support.

Check it now haters. It now has 3 times more retweets!

In the end twitter (a tool for 12 year olds) destroyed them both.

then go look at jimmys butthurt tweet