/r/jimnortonandfriends is live

0  2016-09-27 by Homan13PSU

Well, the breakup is official, Jim and Sam are taking over morning drive. Let's support Jim and Sam as they branch out on their own. And remember, when it comes to Opie, serious comments only...


Or - hear me out - we could all stay here and not relocate to a sub where you'll become top moderator.

Hey, I'm not forcing you to come on over. If the sub doesn't pan out, it won't pan out.

Why would anyone sub to that

If he's out, I'm out

At least leave a link to the new sub you cunt flap. Making me type n shit..


That better sweetie?

yes lovely.

Also that's not even what the show is called that's the show he does without Sam

Where is it official?

If he's out, I'm out