Sam & Jim - It's not complete shit

6  2016-09-27 by Wolosocu

I've been listening to this morning's show and I have to say that I don't hate it. It has potential. I was a little worried when Jim was jerking off a couple MMA guys within the first 10 minutes of the show, but once I forwarded through that and got to the actual "Sam & Jim Show", it's not half bad.

I firmly believe that Sam deserves first billing. Yes, Jim is the bigger name, but he's not a leading man. Sam drives this show and Jim falls easily back in his 3rd mic mentality.


Sam is a good ship steerer. I'm not saying that ironically, I actually mean he's good at setting up Jimmy's jokes.

Or playing along with the characters.

The last few Jim and Sam shows sounded like friends, not two people annoying each other.

The interview actually wasn't too bad, they were pretty funny compared to some of the more boring fighters.

I chalk that up to Sam having timing and a sense of humor on top of his radio/hosting skills. Shit Opie never had. He also hasn't developed crutches yet. I pray he's not taking calls from Son of Snowaaaay in a few years for his comedy gold.

It has some potential and didn't sound bad. At least something to listen to as to filling the void. With Opie there I haven't had any interest in listening to it at all. We'll see!

High praise.

Good name for the show .

Why does it have to have either is their names...they're both relative nobodies. At least to the point nobody that didn't know about the show would stop on that channel upon seeing one of their names.