200  2016-09-27 by Dennyislife


this could get really fucking entertaining

You think so? The one thing we have been talking about and hoping for and trying as hard as we can to encourage ever since Ant left? You think it might be a gas?

I was talking specifically about Opie and Jimmy having a passive aggressive twitter battle. I don't think that many people here have been trying to encourage that since Ant left.



Now Ant needs to choke on his own vomit while zonked out and our lives will be complete.

Imagine an O&A reunion of two washed up hack shock jocks past their prime

Nothing would make me happier than Opie trying his hand at standup.


One thing Opie having digs at his old co host ant but a comedian? Good luck bro

I'm not sure exactly what you're saying.

It's one thing for Opie to take shots at his old cohost, Anthony, but to do it to a comedian? Good luck, bro.

You're like a retard translator.

It's one thing for Opie to try to defame the character of his old broadcasting partner, Anthony Cumia, but to do it to a comedian? Good luck, brother.

Jokes are always funnier when they are repeated by other people.

I was hoping it would start a spiral of exhaustively detailed reiterations. Clearly I misread the bit.


Yeah I suck

Hahaha I agree! "I'm Rick James, bitch!" hahah remember that??

It could be a certain aspect of Opie retaliating against his former co-host and namesake, Anthony Cumia, would be somewhat marginalized by attempting to attack a comedian with a much quicker sense of reactionary comedy.

The worm grows a spine! Stage 2 of evolution complete

Nah. Jimmy from 10 years ago would have started the show with an angry rant and would have really gone for the throat. He's like a completely different person now, with all this subtle passive aggressive 'broad shit' as he would have said back in the day.

He learned alot about passive aggressive woman shit from Opie over the years.

Whoa. Jimmy has complained about imperfect eggs and less than premium air travel for years. He's a cunt made more cunty over the years, but make no mistake, he's always been a cunt.

I mean it's a personal insult that they don't sell worm sized cup anymore, the punk ass cashier is trying to get him

I've got a relative like Opie.

You learn REALLY FAST that they'll make your life a living hell if you cross them, so you just walk on eggshells around them

krik sinaman is back!!

Yeah passive aggressive tweeting like a 13 year old girl...that'll show him...

He's still a worm...

What exactly do you expect him to do? He probably gave this 5 seconds of thought and moved on. You would be shitting on him either way I'd guess

Just stating that this isn't exactly "growing a spine." These two ass clowns should just talk it out or shut the fuck up. This is how teenage girls communicate.

Sure, I wouldn't call it growing a spine necessarily, but you have admit it's a bit refreshing to hear Jimmy talk any shit about Opie.

Now that I think of it, who wasn't all that spineless when it came to Opie? Very rarely would he be called out on his shit directly, or even be joked about

How so? He's acting like a teen-aged girl as well.

Well he could always film the ocean with the word "butthurt" written in the sand

He was writing "they didn't do that thing for me" but his iPhone cut out because Tim Cook didn't do that thing for him

Ronnie B just dropped a "our pals are fighting online" on the air.

The real question is whether anyone cares what that long haired, fat, pseudo-nerd has to say... I would wager not many people do, except you few.

He's no nerd, he's street smart

something about his weight?

get it gang? ronnie B should drop a few pounds!!

Ronnie b loves music, wonder if he knew this song was written about him?

holy shit thats fucking terrible

that band has a wikipedia page tho too mainstream not cool enough for fedora ron

Yeah, because The Band, Van Morrison, and Bowie are so underground, right?


Both of these middle aged queens are really pathetic. Posting vague stuff online about each other? Junior High School students have more dignity and backbone when dealing with interpersonal issues.

Yeah but I'm the one eating this shit up, lol.

Two years ago this would have made my day. Now I openly want all the remnants of the old O&A show to fail, all unlikable in their own unique ways.

It's not that vague, we, and Gregory all know exactly what the fuck he's talking about.

There goes my hero. Watch him as he worms!

Jimmy signing weeks ago for his standard measly figure surely didn't help with opies hold out for more money approach. Opie had no leverage, waited too long and got fucked, all because he cant talk to jim.

aint dat the troof

all because he cant talk to jim

More like he can't talk to ANYONE. Dude has no friends. It'd be pathetic if it wasn't all his own doing.


No, it's still pathetic.

I guess they are not that close friends.

The hilarious thing is that Jim said he was leaving MONTHS AGO.

It's not like this came out of the blue.

Opie is acting like he didn't see this coming.

Especially if they weren't talking. I doubt he heard this from his agent because Jim didn't tell him. I think he heard it from his agent because they haven't spoken off mic in some time.

"GOOOD...GOOOOOOD" - Ol Lightning fingers

Sue Lightning fingers?

The answer is Ant.

A bit tortured.



Crazy. Opie Jocktobered himself.

He probably had to talk to SXM management and make double sure that his contract is legit before posting that.

he will have to unfollow scott greenscreen other wise

oooooOOOOOOOoooo he was SMARMY on the Twitter - buncha faggots

he already unfollowed opie, he even followed him back to unfollow him again, thats literally nuclear warfare, scorched earth policy, agent orange on that boi. opie is calling UN right now to stop the massacare

Double-fuckin-unfollow. Dvv dvv dvv

It's happening it's really happening

This is the best day ever

I kinda want to see Jimmy get Ant on his show at SXM. Can you imagine how great that would be? The Opster would never stop crying.

ME: I'm not bothered by it. Good for them. Sniff.

Me: I don't go deep with Jim and Ant. Just a taste, just a taste.

Good luck Anthony isn't even allowed into the building SXM is in. I think security even has a picture of his face.

That's unfortunate for security

Without Opie there to keep Ant out, I think there's a shot.

Goddamnit no this still isn't fighting, this is the same cryptic passive aggressive shit Opie is doing. This entire thing is so fucking embarrassing you're both middle aged men

Anthony just said there's a possibility of Jimmy doing a once a week show on Compound Media. Also that now that Jimmy has his own show there's possibility of Ant being allowed in the building since Opie no longer calls the shots.

Yeah i'm sure Keith the duck will get that done.

Fuck that has been.

yeah seriously, he's like the bitter ex who wants to creep back into you're life because you're successful now, the show is great with jim and sam and has a new energy and feel to it, we dont need ant to come back and try to do 2012 radio again, its over for him and i guarantee if he came back it wouldnt be the same and everyone would hate it.

its like getting a classic band back together for a new album, it always feels forced and it sucks.

Yeah Ant could not have made more of an effort to abandon comedy since he started his own thing. Fuck him, I'm over it. I don't need Jim and Sam and Fuck Hillary in the morning.

Do you think that Opie had something to do with Jim not being able to do the show, before?

No Jimmy's old contract stated he couldn't host a show outside of SXM.

They couldn't have Anthony as a guest in studio or on phone because Opie wouldn't allow it. Ant, live on air, even called in a few months back to Opie's afternoon show and Opie wouldn't take the call.

Get the cum out of your mouth you fucking fraud


The day the worm got a backbone and became a snake

You're a fucking retard

I highly resent that

jimmy fights back, why not return of the jimmy or sumthin TSSSS i dunno just riffin

more like a new dope huh gang!!!

You don't take on a comedian in a battle of words.

but this is a bitch ass online tweeter fight

Still, there's no winning for Opie in it.

Will it get him any better offers from SXM? No. Will it get him any more fans? No.

i dont think he cared about the fans at all, we are all tools for him to squeeze more money out of SXM

and BTW Jim's twitter arsenal isnt that great neither, remember all he did on twitter was complaining about Container Store, steak house and airlines

That's even worse. Jim has the ability to think about his response whereas if they were face to face he'd be left to his quick wit.

Yeah that """""comedian""""" might screenshot the urban dictionary and sub tweet about you.

It was a passive aggressive shot just like Opie did.

The "cessation of communication" line absolutely seals the deal as to who this is directed at.

Who said that one? Was it on Opie's video before the Jaws music overtook it?

Good. And the "perceived personal insult" is infinitely less egregious than the Urban Dictionary example. Strong feelings of shame nails it though.

Screencap plz. At work and twitter's blocked.

tweeted the urban dictionary description of butt hurt

But not "Brother Joe" :(

dont look if u dont wanna be embarrassed

You guys thought "Walking on Greggshells" was revelatory? Wait until Jimmy starts talking

"Eh you know, its rough. I hope Opie just keeps going to meetings and taking it one day at a time. Thanks for the call."

tough UFC man saw it in his eyes that opie wants to bang! so he let him bang bro!

Fights back to what? Context plz

check opies bitchy youtube video

Just saw it. Ty.



Sam seems to keep pretty neutral, it will be interesting to see if he starts telling horror stories about Opie like Ant has now that he's free!


this guy really knows how to jump on coat tails


Jim had been cohosting that UFC show. Was that on SXM? I literally have no idea. (Or care...just wondering)

ooh 4chan..

One of the comments back thinks he is referring to the debates.... The fuck

Doesn't this smell 100% like a radio stunt to get attention?


I will only forgive jimmy if he live periscopes himself sticking a cucumber up his ass.

He's still a worm...

What exactly do you expect him to do? He probably gave this 5 seconds of thought and moved on. You would be shitting on him either way I'd guess

Jokes are always funnier when they are repeated by other people.

It could be a certain aspect of Opie retaliating against his former co-host and namesake, Anthony Cumia, would be somewhat marginalized by attempting to attack a comedian with a much quicker sense of reactionary comedy.