Does the lack of communication seem odd to anyone else...

6  2016-09-27 by Mr702law

Or am I just a gossipy faggot? Cause Jim and ant are legit friends. Jim obviously knows some info. You'd think they'd be talking and texting. Same with Ant and some of the staff. There's always been this weird lack of communication behind all their issues. For instance, apparently Opie pulls this shit all the time and leaves the staff all in lurch. Well has anyone ever pulled him aside or texting him and asking "hey Opie, can you give me a heads up so I can plan properly. I understand you're negotiating but can you give me some info on the dl?"

I think even Ant admitted he never just asked Opie what he was really up to.


Showbiz friends are simply the best friends you can hope to know

the notion was too not speak with opie at all, ever, about anything; because he could threaten to quit over a "hello" and often did