Let's be real, there is NO WAY Sirius fired Opie and kept Jim and Sam

19  2016-09-26 by Mr702law

Opie will still have his channel and Jim and Sam will be doing their own thing, likely on the channel.

If they were dumping Opie they wouldn't be running best of's right now and they'd take his name off the channel RIGHT NOW. Remember when Ant got fired? O and A name disappeared from channel quick-like.

And he would not be in this week a few times in the afternoon for some "fun shows" as he claims he is going to be doing.


People here need to read his tweets carefully. He says he's not doing "that show" anymore; by which he means O&J. He hasn't said he's leaving SiriusXM Satellite Radio.

It's an important distinction.

What a slick half-wit Opie is

It's a bit different from being fired for racist tweets then a contract ending.

Opie is just using up the rest of his holiday days before his contract ends. He's done it before. He pushed for the show to move to afternoons in the past, but Anthony and Jim voted against it as they said morning drive is where the guests/audience are. It seems likely that Opie will move to afternoons, and Jim and Sam/Friends will stay in mornings.

Opie is retooling. He saw this coming and will make an announcement soon. He'll probably do his own thing with special guests like Vic and DL.

Oh hes a tool alright

He's also a re

Fawkin buried that cocksuckah!

He's delusional with thinking playing coy and then appearing on his own "new" show in October will excite anyone.

I'd be inclined to agree with you op, except the fact that during the O&A days; there was always a fear of the company not picking them up again. Ant mentioned it during Greggshells: Opie's inflated sense of self-worth (coupled with his apparent obsession over Howard), constantly put the negotiations at risk. He consistently wanted more money and vacation time, despite the fact that the audience was dwindling, and the show had passed its prime. Even when O&A signed the last deal; they BOTH complained about what they lost in the new contract. So it stands to reason that after a year of phoning it in with O&J; Opie is delusional enough to ask for more money because management likes the direction of the new show and he's "worked so hard" to build them a network suitable enough to fill the gap Howard left when he leaves. He probably thinks he's entitled to 1/4 of Howard's money too. You're not dealing with a very self-aware guy in Opie here. If that were true; he wouldn't have such a trail of tears from former coworkers that spans around a decade.

I can see where SiriusXM would finally decide: "...either he takes this modified new deal or everything's off the table". He probably pouted when he couldn't get around their offer, and thought "ME: fahk them people like me i have clout PERIOD." and went looking for a deal elsewhere. On the outside chance he took their reduced deal; he wouldn't pull all this vague shit on twitter. It's risky in that it can estrange your audience, isolate former coworkers, and its ineffective in a positive way. He cant really play like that when he's still expected to pay 7 MILLION on a condo his useless ass had to move into.

Its not out of the realm of reason that our hate has affected his regression. It certainly has with the celebs and coworkers who deal with him directly; they passed us off as haters until they saw what he really was (example: Jimmy), and confronted him directly. His future is dwindling, and he doesn't know it. Which is what makes this so entertaining.

You can't compare Opie and Anthony's departures, it's definitely two completely different things. You also have to realize that Opie has always had bargaining power during these times. He always had Anthony and Jim (the talent) and a rabid outspoken fan base, now he has none of those things. So it is totally conceivable for SXM to turn around and say they have no interest in doing business with him and then simply read online feedback and realize that Jim and Sam are still worth keeping

So it is totally conceivable for SXM to turn around and say they have no interest in doing business with him and then simply read online feedback and realize that Jim and Sam are still worth keeping

And THEN look at LISTENER data to see that JIMMY has no real FOLLOWING and SAM might as WELL be BROADCASTING in KLINGON.

Not even "SCORCH w/ 'O&A'" would be a VIABLE show now. The AUDIENCE isn't there ANYMORE!!!

Jim sells out theaters, and has a huge UFC podcast. simply reading the feedback of the O&J show online would prove to anyone that the fans hate Opie and still love Jim, and listening to the show would prove why. Sam broadcasts at an awful time, but I feel pretty confident that his numbers compared to other non sports shows at that time are pretty solid. But once again, just read the online feedback, an overwhelming amount of the fans thoroughly enjoy "Horsecock and Sam in the morning" I don't know what you're talking about, even here in the most cynical and hate driven space you can find, Jim is still generally liked and people enjoy when Jim and Sam broadcast together. Why are you yelling by the way?

JIM sells out COMEDY CLUBS, which is nice, but he isn't AMY SCHUMER!!! His OFFICIAL podcast has 2k twitter FOLLOWERS and a small NUMBER of subscribers!!! JIMMY is FUNNY, but he isn't BIG!!!

SAM is TERRIBLE and another OPIE. When OPIE wasn't in, SAM would always be SURE to bring up BOBO and DI, because that is just GOOD RADIO!!!

no doubt, good stuff

opie is doing afternoons

Well to be really real: if its true and Opie and Jimmy are both continuing separately, there is no chance an Opie solo show lasts more than a few months. Even his biggest fans will see how boring he is and how little value he adds to conversation/a radio show.

A sweet boy can dream...

im pretty sure hes not done on XM, but i also wouldnt put it past any corporation to axe anyone if one of there focus group circle jerks thought it was a good idea.

hell who knows maybe howie made it part of his re sign agreement to give floppy tits the boot. I can dream can't I? The lord of XM can't be bothered to look at opie in the mornings or listen to him attempt to throw shit can we?


What makes u think they can take his name off the channel before his contract expires?

What is it about engaging in a breach of contract and putting themselves at risk for litigation that makes you think SXM would do this? Why yank Opie's name off the channel before his contract expires?

If your not going to resign him, you do exactly this. Play shitty best of before his contract expires and you can legally dismantle the channel. For fucks sake.

This asshole is not getting a new deal. Not even debatable.

Surely /u/twinkskc can't be Sirius?

Exactly. He'll have his own show and Jimmy and Sam will probably have their own show. I assume Jim and Sam will have morning and Opie will finally get the move to afternoon's that he has wanted for the last few years.

We are a week or so away from the announcement of the new Opie and Sherrod or Vic Henley or Pete Davidson show.

Jim and Sam make penny's. Opie makes multi millions. There is a possibility. Let's all prey together.

Confucius say,No fire dummy contractee upeee no Opie.