Jimmy 'the thief' Norton

121  2016-09-26 by yakovsdinnertrays


I was getting sick of the $60k theif posts but this is god damn brilliant

Unless you actually did give him $50. That would be less than brilliant.

yeah mistake were made they shouldnt keep reminding us we got rid off, 109$ is lots of money

That was pretty goddamn funny

God this is funny


I also agree that I was getting sick of the "Jimmy stole 60k" posts. But I was just thinking about it and it really is crazy. He got that money and likely shelled out less than 20k and pocketed 40k. There is no way he paid more than 5k for that few minutes of flash animation cartoon. Someone else already added up the perks and those came out to maybe 10-15k at the most. The most expensive perks were free to Jim and never came to be, such as personal voicemail, a line in the cartoon ( that does not exist).

He really did commit a heist on his fans.

Edit: Plus we have minimal proof he ever sent any/all of the perks owed.

haha, that's a good one sir.

Someone should steal $10,000 from sirius

Ben? Ben Sparks?

Or Benjamin from this place?

Fucking chemtrails, Alex Jones, and thermite paint.


Ben's hog

Jim knew. He would never say what the perks were.

dude. stop. Opie is almost gone. We have to rally behind Jim

Here's that link if anyone else wants to report stolen money from Jimmy



OP is not the guy that tweeted this

i meant to reply to someones comment. i feel like a darned fool.

Jimmys cartoon was an absolute failure and he acknowledged it. I'm still to this day unsure if you guys actually truly believe he stole for the fans or if you just think it's funny to parrot that sentiment. He has to recontextualize the entire project, rewrite it, find new animators, and basically do all of this when he's probably sick of it and doesn't even want to anymore. Obviously all of this blows for him and takes some time.

Aren't you that faggot wannabe wrestler guy?

It's only a matter of time before somebody replies with the image of his humiliating post.

Dis nigga deserves it every time. http://m.imgur.com/9JWNTnH?r


Chill with the hate speech bro, this isn't the place for that kinda stuff

I'm not a wannabe wrestler, just a big fan

Eww. Cool don't advertise, man. If you even feel the need to tell people how great you are, it's because you're not.

Sometimes you're the coolest guy in the chat room and need to let everyone know

And sometimes you're just a faggot.

Protip: Don't ever use the word "recontextualize" again.

Agreed as long as you never use "protip"

i remember when this sub was funny, now its just a bunch of 19 yo's trying to grasp for the same shitty bunch of jokes people post here all the time.

i can just picture you now seeing this and saying "oh shit this would be perfect for reddit, everyone is going to laugh and upvote me, let me log into imgur real quick..."

Say something funny

I have cancer.

He's got a point

