So Erock cloned himself right?

3  2016-09-26 by dolan_the_rapper


Nah, I'm sure theres plenty of fat downies

Like Multiplicity style?

Each clone gets more lazy and vague.

Then this Erik is generation 4.

He offered to nuke my corn dog...

"Hi Steve!"

Wow it reminds me of this story. Warning includes strong Scottish accent. Worth it though

Cannae believe Limmy's made it to this sub!

the cunt has made it before i'm sure. It's a shame his accent stops him becoming a bigger thing Limmy's show is one of the few sketch shows i like

It's very hit or miss for me, some of them are just too fucking weird. Loads of classics that i love though, Falconhoof, Dee Dee, she's turned the weans against us guy. The sketch about the last man standing after a pill sesh is so fucking accurate too hah.

He looks so damn retarded in the top right two. Has he developed an extra chromosome? Is that a thing?

yep. pretty cool huh?

Cannae believe Limmy's made it to this sub!