Sometimes Anthony is right.

0  2016-09-26 by FaggotBannedKeith


Jesus Christ. Black America is 40 years behind when it comes to atheist acceptence.

Lol you want to pretend white Christians in America aren't fighting against abortions and the teaching of evolution every day?

The only christians that still do this are retards with the same world perspective as islamic sand niggers

You would be fucking surprised then. Don't be a Joe Cumia.

I do agree that black people seem to overly religious openly. It's retarded for sure

"I don't have a philosophy, I have a faith." I have no faith in the writers of this show.

"I don't think for myself" - dumb black guy

"Pass those potatoes!"- Shuck n' Jive Sister

Was the bowl of potatoes their only prop? They must have passed it back and forth 3 times.

Why did DAMMMMMMMN minstrel show brother specifically mention a white girl in his hypothetical?


Where does Ant fit into this?

He's black.

And he was filming it.

Garbage does have opinions. It is human, after all....