With Opie's new tweet coming into play, what are your (favorite) Greggshells moment?

5  2016-09-26 by MauveBeats

i found out about the show after watching Anthony of JRE explaining his firing and have spent plenty of time since then watching replays on youtube. There are so many little ones that i forget almost instantly, so would love if any of you long time followers could direct me to some ones that maybe i forgot or ones i havent even came across


When he went full Fez, cried on air, and blamed irritable depression. At least Fez was funny.

It didn't happen very often, but when someone called him out for his 'Opisms' (interrupting, bombing, stopping the flow, callers, etc) it made my goddamn day. I think my favorite to this day is when this dumb fuck brought in a transcript of his brother's Myspace profile and read it on the air like it was the fucking holy grail of comedy. I can't remember the line exactly, but I remember Anthony saying '...So....Is that it?' after Opie had just read a few lines got no reaction from anyone.

The only thing that makes me go back to that clip is knowing how uncomfortable it made Patrice. Absolute silence throughout it all

has the be the esther ku moment