Opie, when asked about Jimmy having more input on guests... "HA! I don't think you need to worry about that anymore Angel."

82  2016-09-25 by Dawgsie


And so, it ends. Not with a bang, but with no one in the world giving a shit about Opie or Anthony.

Or jimmy

I'd say that's just not true. His current tour has been a success and he's still getting small roles in shit here and there.

Anthony is doing an internet nutjob far right talk show that no one gives a shit about. Opie will end up doing nothing. Norton will keep doing his thing. (Especially if Opie w/ Jim Norton ends up being replaced by Norton & Friends.)

Though I can't say I care too much myself anymore.

They're all failures in their own special way.

Jimmys more immediate failures are realized every time he looks in a mirror.

And let's not forget his cartoon donation scam: that was a massive success.

...as well as his customer complaints against airlines.

I still believe Jimmy has redeeming value, while the other 2 lack it entirely. With the right people, he can still put on an entertaining-ass show.

Jimmy still gets roles, even if they're not starring ones. He's got a career going even if it's small. O&A aren't even on the fame radar. I think the last thing they ever did was stand up during one of Jimmy's tapings when they were acknowledged.

Take this fucking upvote and get the hell outta my life, lest I fly into a motha fucking rage the likes of which have never been seen before.

So can Anthony.

If he's the 4th mic and isn't allowed to talk about black crime.

when you talk so much about blacks that even "schwoogiejoe24" is tired of it

I'm dying. There's some funny mother fuckers here.

Dana White cares enough to put the picture of him and Serra up on the screen during UFC shows. He loves the direction of the show.

Opie has left on bad terms with literally every co-worker ever. At what point does he look at himself in the mirror and go "maybe I'm a piece of shit"?

Opie is genetically disposed to megalomaniacal narcissism.

He has irritable depression you shitlord.

He cleared it up with the therapy, doe.

He's still a PSYCHO though.

His mom used to pack his lunches in cement bags

Well I never thought Opie or Anthony were good people so honestly I'm not surprised by what's happened to both their lives over the last two years.

Literally no one wants anything to do with either one unless of course you're a b rate comic looking for any exposure at all



What's the story there?

Opie "Corey Haimed" Danny and when the pink-socked kike went to management to lodge a complaint - Opie got him shitcanned!

Danny wasn't D-Boi, you stupid fuck.

Oh well, I still wish rape upon him!

Anthony brought this up back when the TACS vs Opie feud first started. Anthony implied that he wasn't Opie's first partner, or 2nd, or 3rd, or 4th....He's gone through a lot of people who couldn't stand him, but since Anthony was a nobody blue collar worker, I guess he just toughed it out and did the gig.

I'd say Anthony staying so long rests on a few things.

  • He was paid a shitload of money for minimal work
  • He's a gigantic puss who's scared of confrontation
  • Jim was there to serve as a buffer, and would stroke his hair, and his penis, to get him to stay because it keeps Jim in a job.

"He's a gigantic puss who's scared of confrontation" Wait what?

Guy's said it before that he hates confrontation. He was too scared to talk to Bill Burr, even after Bill called him numerous times.

When idiots stop paying him millions

Maybe we should all chip (hehe) in and get him a copy of "How To Win Friends And Influence People"??

I hope he leaves the planet

Wow, that sounds like the logic of Anthony! What are you, a tranthony ballwasher? Cuck!

This is a 60 year old man

The kind of man I'd be proud to call a friend

You should probably consider suicide for saying that

Well that'd be an awfully rash decision

You're not that close and never would be.

I thought he was a child of the 80's?

deleted already lol

Haha, what a prick. I have a screenshot luckily...


Thank you for your service.

Bye Opie you insufferable cock head.

Tweeted this to Jimmy.

Good girl.

Titty boy twarted! good job

Well that at least confirms they wont be on the same show.


Also he called the dude Angel. What an old lady.

I like the cut of your jib sir

I charge £15 an hour, and you're not allowed to cum on my stomach.


Well...it's the end of an era. I'll have little need to vent here anymore.

You'll be back. They always come back.

..and with bigger peckahs.


I bet it was one of his idiot "negotiation" tactics

It's official boys

Rest in piss

bam's kids' moms box

The man should just retire. He has nothing to contribute and is universally hated on a professional and personal level. Call it a career, try to mend some of those broken relationships, ponder about life for the next couple of decades, find some peace if possible, then croak.

I 100% guarantee Lynsi is pushing him to spend more time at work.

they're still getting guests...the star of the show now is really Rolland

read the twitter responses, there are a lot of us who are still big opie fans and want him to keep doing a show. plus he is one of the biggest shock jocks in radio so his name has value for siriusxm.

Did you just make an account like... two days ago just to white knight Opie?

Get out of here Kenny, nobody here likes you.

yeah i just got sick of the opie bashing. he has provided me with thousands of hours of entertainment and i still think he does a good show. he wouldn't keep getting new contracts ever 2 years if no one listened. i think there are lots of opie fans here who are afraid to speak up.

What you just wrote is funnier than anything opie has ever done

i think there are lots of opie fans here who are afraid to speak up.

People scared of having mean things said to them? Yeah, that sounds like an Opie fan...

Youre talking about a company that kept the lifeless shell of Fez Whatley under contract 6 years after he stopped contributing.

He didn't even come to work for 5 of those 6 years.

I hope you're violently raped.


and were sick of opie its an unfair world.

Answer me this then: if Opie is so great, why does he suck so much?

i dont even like opie but folks here are delusional to think that opie is done without jim

It's such a shame we could have gotten a jim and sam show with opie leaving. Instead we are potentailly left with an opie only show...I now envy the deaf thanks opie.

I wouldn't be so sure.


I fucking hope so. Hopefully Opie doesnt have much pull and is forced to share the channel with jim. A boy can hope!

when opie hosts solo, the living will envy the deaf.

Why? We don't have to listen. Ever.

Are we sure about that? Aren't Jim and Sam doing another run this week?


Yes you did and you're a good boy.

what an unlikable little twat.

I hope they shitcan the entire lineup of the channel. Maybe give Soder and Oakerson a run at something.

Even the Bennington show has gotten stale since he added his yes-woman daughter.

bennington show is funny! they cant even contain their laughter whenever they tell a story about pepe hicks fall down on the chair or something!!

Uh huh. And they all try to sing together because it's soooooo funny all the time. Right.

What's the endgame there, what's Ronnie B trying to accomplish with that

Who knows? It was played out the first two weeks he brought his daughter on the show. That SJW.

Opie is a cunt ..dvv dvv. ..

God I hate that twitter avatar. He's like a 13 year old with his first camera phone

It's artistic. You wouldn't understand.

So what does this mean exactly? Has Opie left? Has Jim left? Did they both leave?

I interpret this as Opie is leaving. But then again, I'm a fucking idiot.

He is not leaving to anywhere. He will continue broadcasting, just not with Jim.

So.... as per usual then?

Well at least you're honest.

It means that Opie is moving to afternoons. He'll probably take a huge pay cut and Jim and Sam will do mornings. Opie NEEDS a viral video and having a show on Sirius is the best way to get one.

Is this just what you guess is happening, or has this been confirmed?

guess. how would I know for sure?

Remember the "or has this been confirmed?" part of my question? That's how you would know for sure.

It's been confirmed that you're a faggot, if that helps.

sheesh that seemed unwarranted

Good one.

I confirm that whatever some guy said was true.

It means Opie is going to become a professional fisherman. Look at those sweet striped bass he caught!

"Opster here. I've left America to pursue the life as a fisherman in Somalia. My wife will get culturally enriched by the Earth Rocker and his posse in the village while I go slay some fish" This is my dream. One day it will become true.

Opie should retire his O&J show and do a weekly or biweekly shitshow, preferably a podcast.

I've been listening to the 2009 podcast where they had their terrestrial radio split and went full satellite. They should have gone completely podcast at that point to be honest. I would have paid for a Tits and The Plugs podcast network.

I've thought about posting a "What If" post about this scenario. FM and XM fucked them. O&A leave to start The Virus Network. At this point they still have total access to Norton, Patrice, Burr, Quinn, Bob Kelly, DeRosa, and Louis fucking CK.

They start a free network on the ground level of podcasting with only Mark Maron and Carola as competition...

Today it would be a multi million dollar diversified media empire.

BUT THEY ARE SO FUCKING LAZY! They have the worst agent in radio and couldn't put the work in to set egos aside and build an empire. Dolts.

they didnt even have a website at that point

You say that like they EVER had a website.

These are the most lazy cunts on the airwaves. They never had a cohesive site together. They were so ego-maniacal, they would rather have separate sites, separate videos, a literal race to who could get more individual myspace followers...

They are a literal example on what not to do in a Social Advertising textbook. While R&F could get the dumbest shit imaginable trending worldwide (#cakehorn, #obamasbigfatboner). And you wonder why Ant and Tits fought so hard to try and grab ratings Ron...

EDIT: I forgot, they almost had a site. But since the webmaster had to hustle to pay for server bandwidth, Opie gave him relentless shit. He was found swinging by his neck a year later. Nice one tits...

Isn't that what the whole Steve c drama all about

Give yourself a bell.

great user handle btw

Thank you sir.

Fight the power. And what not.

He was found swinging by his neck a year later

thats...thats terrible im sorry.

yeeeees. How did your producer die?

Your what if scenario would require Opie to have talent, Ant to stop ranting about niggers and beating up the teens, and Patrice to stop drinking grape soda.

With that sort of diversity, it wouldn't matter. O&A could be the "flagship" program that all others could rally under. They could have pretty much done one show a week. They couldn't have fucked up worse. It was easy money back then.

Stupid Norton thought he "couldn't even get pod casting equipment into the city". Ponder that... Even if the talent is stupid, it's on the agent to make up the difference. Good going Bob, every client you retain is stuck in a career suicide. You out of touch Jew. How many careers have you held until they fail? For fuck's sake, for everyone in media, we all think you and your clients are a joke. Of course, you will never read this, because you're an out of touch heeb. You're done in this business.

So unpaid intern reading this for your handler, bail. You would be better off being verbally abused by Katz or sexually by ****sein. Just bail.

I fucking hate this business.

Feel like this post says a lot for jim. https://twitter.com/JimNorton/status/779877728048836608

another gay joke

true to form, the kid.

I'm reading this as Opie moving on without Jimmy.

From my perspective, it fits Opie's MO. He will do anything to have his own show and make it in his own mold. Jimmy is a connection to a show that Opie no longer likes and downright resents. He hates anything Opie and Anthony related.

Opie made his first step towards total control in the days immediately following the Anthony issue. Him pushing Jimmy out is his second step and it will finally give him his own show - something he has gunned for during the last several years.

So was their last show together about wiping asses?

Oddly fitting.

I think he is trolling everyone

Can someone who isn't blocked by the worm send this tweet to him?

They will resign and do a show together. He just doing this to mess with everyone

Yeah... Yeah that's it. Opie the puppet master. You've got to be kidding yourself.

He might not do it regularly with Jimmy but Opieradio is here to stay

I'm rendering #Bennington audio now to post. It might support your claim.


So Opie said that he was going to "figure out whats next", and maybe do radio here and there next week. Now he's responding to tweets about Jim having more guest control in a ambiguous way. So either Opie is quitting Opie Radio (and hopefully RADIO), the network is dissolving the channel, Jimmy is gone (or fired), or the channel still exists with their separate shows.

Opie said about a month ago something about "everyone staying on this channel" or "not leaving this channel", or something like that. I forget the exact quote. Jimmy wasn't in that day, but it sure sounded like they both re-signed a while ago. I also remember thinking it was curious he was talking about the channel and not the show. It would seem that they are splitting the show.

If he quits or is fired, he's gonna have to change his screen name to @opiepodcast


So is tits dumping the good thing about his shit show or ishe retiring. Maybe Jim will do a different showay? Jim gets really fucking angry to so hopefully tits fucked him bad and we get some good info.

Can we get a mirror for Christ sake

I posted a screenshot to another comment.

Caring about the current incarnation of the O&A show is like caring about who's the current bass player in Limp Bizkit. Just a fleeting late 90s/early 2000s cultural phenomenon that's still plodding along unnoticed somewhere.

Yet you clicked on the post...

Nigga I'm agreeing with you

Sir, I am white.

And thank God for that gift.

I logged in just to up vote this comment


I hit "reply" to let you know no one cares and youre gay.

So who is the current bass player in Limp Bizkit?

"Sorry, that page doesn’t exist!"

http://archive.is next time use this to back it up, you dummies.

Keep the updates rolling in. Came to this sub after the Esther Coup and have been hanging out, waiting for the O&J breakup since then.

Tells us more about yourself.

My dad used me to lure in neighborhood kids he them molested. they looked me up on facebook to this day and cryptically reference it in public comments

I didn't really wanna know.

No one gives a fuck about you sir.

I took a screenshot of it and posted it. That's quite literally all that needs to be done. This isn't a fucking military operation you twat. It holds no value and need not be backed up in any fashion as 48 hours from now nobody will give even the remotest of a shit.


Calm down nerd

You're the fucking nerd that wants it logged and backed up for future generations.

Take a chill pill, you incompetent doofus

A "chill pill"....

What fucking year is this?!

dude, don't let me get to you. Hope you learned a thing today.

I did. I learned that you are a fucking moron.

It may be time for a nap, friendo

Yeah I imagine being a retard is tiring for you. Sweet dreams.

Look at this chump go. You must be darling in the office.

I'm a law student, I don't have an office. Try again.

*A future paralegal who listens to dead radio shows and doesn't know how to use the internet

...or the reality...

  • A commercial lawyer who as a student listened to a radio show while fucking around on reddit and didn't feel the need to backup a fucking tweet in the manner that some infant wanted him to.
  • A future paralegal validating himself online who everyone should be proud of if he figures out how to take screen shots and upload files

Hahaha! You're the one that made it out to a big deal of my method of posting something you fucking mongo. Rather hypocritical, no?

good night, young man

Kisses!!!! Xxxxxxxxxxxx

You are a faggot for caring about O&J without ever having been a fan of O&A.

There's always http://www.opieandanthonylive.com/beta/ for the latecomers.

Nice "beta" jab.

I listened to O&A from the early 2000s onto the live XM years until around 2011 or 2012. I only cared about them again because of the Esther Coup / op vs Jim argument. It's not how I heard about them. Dunno if I should drop an insult about your reading comprehension or obvious insecurity about listening to O&J but it's kind of out there.

I listened to almost all the shows posted on CC95s website live back in the day. The people who still listen to O&J are dead souls with no love, no career, no lives, and nothing going on except distraction, but old fans keeping everyone who only casually care updated, you're great.

Tell us more about yourself.

Is read other peoples stories onilne similar to listening to hours of radio a day and then complaining abt what you chose to do with your time that you dont value?

Fuck you queer

You make threads designed to give you large upvotes.

I make threads designed to bring light and laughter into the hearts and souls of my people.

Fuck you queer

Haha, what a prick. I have a screenshot luckily...


You'll be back. They always come back.

I confirm that whatever some guy said was true.

It's been confirmed that you're a faggot, if that helps.

I bet it was one of his idiot "negotiation" tactics

..and with bigger peckahs.

Isn't that what the whole Steve c drama all about

He was found swinging by his neck a year later

thats...thats terrible im sorry.

A "chill pill"....

What fucking year is this?!