Who's ready?

11  2016-09-25 by RBuddCumia


You guys think they'll be impartial?

I'm sure they will have real insight & be open minded while listening to each of the candidates. They are all well educated & politically savvy so it should be a good listen.

Well they're all about free speech so I don't see why not

The moderator isn't going to be impartial so I doubt Anthony, Pat and Gavin will be either.

Ew. Shut up.

Fuck your mother.

Oh wait I already did and she was terrific. You should be proud of the pussy that you were pushed out of.


Ew. Shut up.

Why? Who's the moderator? I really don't know.

Lester Holt from NBC is up first and he has been notoriously soft on Hillary, as has NBC and most Mainstream media. next two are cut from the same cloth and then the final moderator is from Fox News but he's one of the Fox News people who tend to be more liberal and liberal loving.

Three middle-aged faggots sucking Donald Trumps orange cock for an hour sounds great, but I'll probably do something else

Edit: This didn't come out right, what I meant so say is Donald Trump is a faggot, just to clear things up

its a fucking post on reddit not a essay, you dont have to go back to do a second draft and we definetly don't want to see your 'process' in how you re-wrote it

Are you sure man? Because I just wanted to make sure that it was clear that I'm not a particular fan of Alternative Right Wing Queers.

Edit: I'm also gay

Why does everyone in this picture look so terrible? Why would you photoshop the people to look uglier?

Everyone in that picture looks like they're at the brink of death.

It looks like Anthony's kidney isn't working

Wait thats Ant? It looks a lot more like Big A to me.


Because TACS network decided to make a shitty stock PS filter a shibboleth of its franchise.

None of these gentlemen are intelligent. You'd think Anthony could work some of his connections from many appearances on #RedEye to get an actual commentator of worth to appear on this "coverage".

Nah, let's just get the faggot proudboy guy who doesn't even believe his own conservative shtick, and the NYC crime report guy. Great.

The guys at Red Eye don't want to be on a shitty fourth rate podcast network

Any real commentator will be live tweeting or commentating on their own show/main networks... nobody who actually has an opinion worth hearing is going to go onto Anthony's show to live-broadcast the highest rated debate in history. They'll all want to be somewhere where they can be heard/seen.

They should do a pre-show "Columbo" commentary

I suppose they will agree with everything Trump says?

Imagine if Trump came out anti-gun like he was in the past and how much Anthony would implode.

Trump's probably saving that for when he's in office. It's going to be amazing when he completely lets down all the retards who worship him.


Will it be free so Anthony can maybe drum up some attention for his niche network or is continually stupid and keeping it behind a paywall only accessible by his 76 subscribers?

Free tonight!

I wonder if he'll insult hillary at all.

It was retweeted by opie, interesting... or not.

Pat Dixon is one ugly dude

Would you let him fuck you if he was prettier?


Anthony looks like Uncle Fester there.

I'm actually seriously looking forward to this.

Fuck you

I'm gonna be honest folks. I'm gonna be pretty fucking depressed if Clinton wins. Trump is literally the last hope America has of not being swamped with Islamic shitheads making terrorist attacks a "new way of life" like it is in Europe.

Trump isn't perfect but he's the last shot we have at reigniting patriotism and being a government that works for it's people and not the interests of the global elite.

I can't stand this new brand of hipster retard we have that always make that "patriotism is stupid, YOU haven't done anything how can you be proud of that, you just happened to be born here maaaaaan" rant.

/EDIT I wish I could find this video again of some Russian guy in the 70s PERFECTLY predicting what America would be like now. I.E a generation of liberal retards who hate their own country and think that its to blame for the rest of the worlds problems and that being patriotic is racist.

/EDIT 2 not that anyone cares or has read this far but I found it It's so eerily accurate. It's a high ranking KGB defector explaining the decades long ideological subversion of America. We can see the results: Feminism, Socialism, Cultural Marxism, "Progressivism", "equality (through inequality), pro-mass immigration, all signs of this cancer playing out in the west. It all started in the universities - cultivated in the young throughout the 70's to 90's and now its making its way into the mainstream views of today's leaders and electorates.


Even if all that you said is true, it doesn't change the fact that he's a fucking retard.

Hillary isn't?

No. She's a liar, a fraud, and a miserable prick. She is not in any way stupid.

But Trump is stupid, right?

He's a self made billionaire (I know his father was wealthy but certainly not close to a billionaire) and is on the verge of being elected to the most powerful position on Earth despite not being a politician and firmly anti establishment.

He's clearly the best option for America, not a paid for career politician who actually takes pride in his country.

Yes, Trump is stupid. He inherited hundreds of millions of dollars, so his financial record doesn't mean jack shit. Factor in that he makes Brother Joe look like Shakespeare on social media, the fact he can't form a coherent sentence, and the fact he actually invents words, and yea I'm pretty comfortable saying he's a fucking dummy. Bill Clinton married Hillary for her brain (not anything else clearly), and he was a fucking Rhodes Scholar... A RHODES FUCKING SCHOLAR.

I really can't ever forgive you for making me defend Hillary so much, but really, just cut the shit.

If you don't vote for trump you might as well be voting for Hillary and if you think that's a better alternative to Trump then I don't know what to tell you. You're probably unemployed or mentally ill. I suspect both.

Would you let him fuck you if he was prettier?

But Trump is stupid, right?

He's a self made billionaire (I know his father was wealthy but certainly not close to a billionaire) and is on the verge of being elected to the most powerful position on Earth despite not being a politician and firmly anti establishment.

He's clearly the best option for America, not a paid for career politician who actually takes pride in his country.