So Opie hardly worked fridays, took most of the summer off and has used up all his contracted days before October whilst getting millions for a shitty show

17  2016-09-25 by Dennyislife

Maybe he actually is a negotiating genius


Ultimately, for his talent level he did make out shockingly good. That's undeniable. He's like the shock jock version of Forrest Gump. If he is able to re-sign for millions again after the shitty pathetic sad-excuse of a show for 2 years I'll give him all the credit in the world. I wish I could pull something like that off

Me and Snowy goes together like peas and carrots

Or he is blackmailing the executives with kiddie porn pictures from their last Thailand visit.

He can't keep getting away with it.

It would have been nice to see where Opie ended up if he ever lost this sweet gig because it couldnt possibily reach the success that OandA did but he was always confident that he could. Now he can get away with early retirement :/

Well we know he doesn't have the balls to do a solo podcast, so that would probably be the end of his career as a (and I use this term loosely) personality.

He has talked about getting into consulting or being a PD on regular radio, two jobs that don't really exist anymore.

Some girls get all the luck.

More like a genital wart on Scott Greenspleens baby cock.

its (((Scott Greenspleen)))

Quit saying "whilst". Learn the language or get out of the country!

I've not been in the country for a few years BOZO