OFF TOPIC: Gary Johnson Malfunctions

0  2016-09-24 by [deleted]


Haha what the fuck? Is he joking?

Yes. He made the point his debate performance would't matter, just as long as people visually saw there's an alternative. He said he could sit up there and say nothing, "biting his tongue" as the expression goes.

I think his point was that he could act like a blithering retard on the debate stage and still put up some numbahs

If I was Gary Johnson I'd go out of my way to do weird shit to try to convince crazy people that I'm a reptilian, I'd get makeup done to look like I'm wearing fake skin and wear contact lenses. He knows he has no chance so why not fuck with people.

That's the kind of mackerick we need in the White House to get those muckety mucks in line!

This guy is polling at 7%. Really? Really?

Really? Really?

I hate when people do that.

I didn't ask.

trolling humorlessly serious libertarians is a noble pursuit
