Amy loves Hillary

2  2016-09-24 by Justyna_A


The only thing that even annoys me is the pretense that electing a woman is such a huge deal. Thatcher, Merkel, a million others, it's not a big deal. All pretending it's a big deal does is feed into the narrative that America hasn't elected one yet because we have a "rape culture problem" or whatever. Which is such retarded nonsense.

Aside from that I really could not give a shit if someone wants to vote for one or the other at this point.

And the irony there is if we elect Hillary she'll be bringing along Bill who has been accused of rape, sexual harassment and has admitted to doing something with Monica Lewinsky. Hillary callously dismissed all the women who accused Bill over the years and said nasty shit about them but now women think she's going to stand up for women's rights.

"At least it's a woman though. At least it'll finally be the first." Glass ceiling yippeee!

In a way they're not wrong either. It's just that they could have an infinitely better one if they'd be a little more patient.

As opposed to Obama, who was honestly pretty par for the course in this country (in spite of foxnews' and the Cumias' lunatic ramblings about him).

The only thing that even annoys me is the pretense that electing a woman is such a huge deal.

No sweetie, it's called "marketing". That's it. It's what they do.

It worked with the First Black President and now it's working with the First Cunt President.

You're not wrong about marketing, but the two don't compare well since women don't hate cops and start gangs because they hate where they live and why they're here.

jeffrey ross is a bald faggot


What's most annoying is the sense of righteousness they seem to feel by throwing their celebrity behind that shill. At this point the only people who care about celebrity endorsements are celebrities and politicians.

Joss Whedon made an ad with a bunch of celebrities urging people to register and go out and vote. One of the big points the celebrities talk about at first is just how many celebrities there are in the ad. Whedon also claims it's a non partisan thing despite the fact that you can tell who the celebrities want you to vote for and Don Cheadle essentially calls Trump a racist scumbag without ever saying his name. Someone who supports the republicans edited the ad and put in a bunch of anti-Hillary stuff and made the ad a pro Trump video. I am sure the celebs are stewing in their righteous anger about that.

Fuck that video was cringey

Some Hillary quotes that apply "stupid kikes" and "you fucking jew bastard".

Was this an Elders of Zion meeting?

Amy supporting Hillary has probably gotten Donald Trump about 2 million more voters.

And a whole generation of "YOU'RE A BIGOT" retards to revel in their oppressed victimhood.

That is the worst photo I've ever seen.

This photo next to a screencap of a brother Joe Trump rant is the perfect microcosm of this election.

They look like a paedophile ring.

Look at all those jews.


Fucking kikes.

Do they have to pander to these stupid kikes so blatantly? Fuck Jews and their influence in the business.

