Holy fucking shit, has anybody here tried watching the new Iliza Shlesinger special? Fucking awwwfullll

10  2016-09-24 by Phantas_Magorical


That's disappointing to hear. Her last few specials were on the level of Pryor and Carlin.


Of course about 38 minutes in she gets all philosophical and preachy.

Why would you subject yourself to that in the first place?

Maybe he's not afraid of women like you are.

I'm afraid you're quite mistaken sir. I resent them all.

Could you send them to me too, just to be fair?




what is it with dummies and thinking that people are "afraid" of something just because they don't agree with it.

gays are weird, blacks are worse at nearly everything, and tranny's are an abomination to the natural world.

sorry if that wasn't progressive enough, i'll give you one thing though i'm all in on the legalization of pedophilia. surrrrreee

The way shes running around in the trailer, i would never watch this. A sex tape though, i would

That almost would have got me hard, if I hadn't just jerked off to toilet-cam porn like 5 minutes ago. Oh well :(

The chuck berry archives?

Haha, I was unaware he did/was accused of doing that until I just googled it. Chuck Berry RULES!!!

Yes yes he does

Smell ma fart.


I'd still take her home to meet " mother ", if you take my meaning.

you'd like to chop her into bits and have sex with the bits and eat the bits


I didn't ask.

"national internet"

What? It's not brave?? Ooh you nearly had me!

I mean, she IS a woman.

Honestly, i just fast forwarded through it to see if she did a sketch or something where she shows her tits. I know, I'm a sad man

Suprise tits is the best tits

Dassabesstits, surprisin' me n' fukkin'....

Whats the first rule of female comedy? You did this to yourself.

I am on minute 14 and about to tap out. It's incredible what level of success one can accomplish on no other basis than people wanting to fuck you.

She's so confident while her jokes and stories are fucking open mic level. Blows my mind.