
0  2016-09-24 by hckykjb18

Final thoughts on both? Are Brendan Schaub and Bryan Callen of "The Fighter And The Kid" podcast, catching a case of "O&A"? I think we all either love or hate Rogan..but he is relevant to this sub. Same with "TFATK", no good threads going on all three. Comparisons? Critiques? False rumors??


Here are my thoughts: You are a gay homo.

Thats the answer


Reddit has calmed down

Joe Rogan is the shit unless he's pushing his Onnit shit. Bryan Callen straight up makes shit up and gets called out on it regularly on fight companions and his own. His stand up his horrible but has been in some decent movies. Shaub has taken so many blows to the head he thinks he knows more then Eddie Bravo at running gyms and how to manage fighters and also parenting.