This is one of todays trending subreddits. Yuck. What a bunch of pussies

6  2016-09-24 by NortheastPhilly


Still not as gay as r/proudboys. What the fuck is 'toxic masculinity'?


Can we start posting there with false sincerity and slowly infiltrate them from the ground up?

yeah, let's pretend to be gay, haha. as a joke.

Let's make them suck our dicks. You know, for a goof!

That'll prove once and for all we're not a buncha queers like everyone says.

We need somebody to be our Donnie Brasco. Send in the rat.

Cancer of the prick.

And it all ends with Jamie Kilstein taking off his watch and putting it in a box

As soon as they look at the posting history of anyone here they will get instantly banned and from just a cursory look at that sub they will then accuse us of brigading.

That's why God gave us the ability to create alt accounts, young David.

You'd all be banned if it wasn't for my DAVID!!!

By "trending", I think you mean "intentionally placed into the public eye to promote passiveness".

WHERE are we on that sub?

/r/transpassing has less mentally ill faggotry than that sub.

Found this sub via the Vox article. Just saying thanks!

What's more gay this or proud boys?

There's nothing faggier than forming a special interest group.
