What to do you think the LAST fight between Opie and Jimmy is going to be about in the next week? And how do you think its going to go down?

15  2016-09-23 by TangerineReam

Or are they going to back out and do the whole "I have the utmost respect for you, and I wish you nothing but the best" routine?

OR is Opie just going to never come in the studio, take his faggy passive aggressive shots on twitter, while Jim says nothing publicly?

Really; the last word on both Opie, Anthony and Jimmy's careers at this point should just be "peckhas".


OR is Opie just going never come in the studio, take his faggy passive aggressive shots on twitter, while Jim says nothing publicly?


yeah, probably. There goes my erection.

i'll help you get it back, just think about my big juicy peckah wit a lil pre on da tip

Yeah Opie wont come back and will only ever talk to Jim again after awkwardly running into each other in public

Me - I won't be in the same room as that fuckin guy Vic - why? Me - it's real serious shit. I can't tell you Sherrod - dassabesso Me - snoooooway

This made me laugh and jerk the wheel while driving.

u/twinkskc: Welp...you're right.

Is there a big prize?!

Opie is going to book DL Hugley for their very last show and Norton will bring in his best friend Ben Sparks.

Holy shit that would be great.

Whatever happens it will be boring. Unless, of course, someone brings in tequila and a certain piggy boy lets loose again. The final show should be tequila and donuts redux.

That would be the best ending

Eric and Travis should write a book. They'd sell tens of copies. But I'd love to know some of the behind the scenes shit they've seen.

I didn't ask.

They'll act cordial on air, they won't let us enjoy ourselves and fight on air, I promise.

Jim definitely won't fight. He's been putting up with Opie for so long, now that there's some light at the end of the tunnel I don't think he'll get ruffled by anything.

Do you not remember the famous "you say weird shit to people" fight?

Yeah I just reckon that anything Opie does to annoy Jim now, Jim's just going to be smiling and in his head thinking "3 more days... 2 more days...".

I think thats in the back of their minds, yes

Whichever is least entertaining is how it'll be.

I think theyll break into a musical number something like how

you like DL i like pornstars, but together as a teaaammm our differences are gone! our imperfections are hidden by our love!!! under the sea!!! under the sea!!

and erock can be a fat version of that crab that was in the little mermaid.

then the show goes back to usual i guess, nobody every achknowledges the fact that they sang and danced in unison perfect or the fact that erock changed into a bloated crustaceon and then changed back.



I feel like I should delete twitter, unsub, and just ride this shit out soprano's style
