Hilarious troll on xbox live, check it out scumbags

0  2016-09-23 by gmunk123


This is r/opieandanthony not r/gaymers.

Check yo self nigger.

Ha! Fuck you dude, that shit was funny! "Kick yo ass an suck yo dick bruh"

Hey man it had me crackin up earlier, just trying to share the goodness. Did you even watch it?

Another Opie Radio fan.

What am I fucking 5?

It's fuckin funny dude. Guy goes on tellin folk he's gonna kick their ass and suck their dick.

Fuck it, I lol'd my tits off

Cunt's hilarious. Askin for abuse trying to share it here though eh.

No, I agree with them, it's fuckin retarded sharing this here.. but it was funny

I was agreeing too. Just knew it would gie somebody a giggle.

It's better than the corny Red Lobster pranks someone posted here the other day.

Never saw it.

Haha seriously this is some little kid shit dude

Had me crackin up mate, sorry i lowered the tone...

It's better than the corny Red Lobster pranks someone posted here the other day.