90 day fiance

2  2016-09-22 by Mr702law

As someone here posted a few weeks ago, this season is pretty good. But one of you fucks have totally ruined Jorge for me by posting that he seems like a visitor to this sub. Now when I see him all I picture is him shit posting here.


I'm enjoying the updates from last season too. Watching that Cow chase Mohammed around small town Ohio as well as Russ being a stay at home jobless cuck is great.

I love that she's headed to Miami to find out "once and for all" if this is really over.. LOL he's there with some hot blond. For those that do not know what we are talking about, check this out.. http://starcasm.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/90_day_fiance_danielle_mohamed.jpg

In the days of yore, Ant and Jimmy would have had a field day with that dumb cunt chasing that brown guy to Miami. I also enjoy Pao in any context. The updates are better than this season. They should give dumb cunt a channel on Sirius and have a camera crew follow her around to document her fawning over a guy that's disgusted by her.

Mohammed must have fucked her at least once under her gigantic bunt and crossed eyes, but it was such a good deep dickin that she can't get over that Muslim cock. He looks sick whenever she's around, but she can't get the thought of riding that unclipped brown snake outta her mind.

The fat white chick and the morrooccan this season I predict will be the first couple to not get married.

I think you could be onto something there, friend....

I don't even watch this show but it's clear the moment he gets his visa he's going to make some man very happy.

I remember when this was discussed very naturally and casually on the old show and no way there was any payola involved.