Say what you want about Normand but he's not afraid to take digs at the Opester and is thus a good egg in my book (2:17:34)

56  2016-09-22 by duranfarbissina


"He's a cutter-offer" - What a generous summation of what's wrong with Opie

I wish he did what he does best and cut off his own head. With a shotgun.

I rightfully downvoted myself.

You still haven't taken me up on my offer from last time of gobbling my goo...

well ya better cum quick while I'm drunk

Why don't you come back here and shut up.

Both Normand and List at the best at trashing people in the new school of touchy comics that are scared to take digs at each other.

They're fantastic at that - unless that touchy comic happens to be big amy schumestein.

They're absolutely dogshit terrible at discussing tv/music/movies, however

tv/music/movie talk is for the birds

I like Mark, I wish he didn't feel the need to make up stories though. I don't know how many of them are legit which makes it hard to react to them.

He's really quick and has had some great riffing lines though.

Yeah Mark is definitely the best person to come up with an incredibly quick line on the show now. I think it was last week when Opie said "One of my videos is going viral!" and Mark replied "Is this the one where you stomped on the guys cake?"

he's definitely been here lurking. he's our sleeper agent.

"Every comedian I know searches for their name on Reddit". - Luis "I'm no longer a mod" Gomez

I need to hear this

I hate him only because he really did fuck the AT&T commercial girl.

If that's true then fuck him and his entire family

WHAT? Lilly? How do we know this?


It's like that guy from the league who lied about his 9/11 experience. Idk why it undermines their funniness so much but it does.

It's all true bro!

Jimmy gave his opinion about changing diapers and they made pedo jokes and mark joined in, and surprise, didn't make it awkward

When he called his nieces cunt a hoagie even Jimmy was shaken lol

Gotta work up the intensity for the almost 50 year old man

I like Normand. Besides the tall tales, he also gets some hate here for his association with Schumer, but realistically any young comedian would take that gig, making good money and performing in front of large theaters and arenas.

He makes over 5 figures per gig and gets his name out there to 10's of thousands of people every time he opens for her. You'd have to be a faggot to think he should step down because people hate Schumer.

Absolutely. I like his podcast with Joe List, who has been opening for Louie CK this summer. Some good stories.

I saw Joe List open for Louie, in Minneapolis. He was hilarious!

He's awesome. I've seen him a few times at clubs in NY and he always steals the show.

Normand is legit funny but sometimes tells less than truthful stories, get over it faggots.

He also called Ron Mr. Tubbs as a pun during a conversation about Mr. Tibbs.

Today was a good show

sides are already being chosen.. cant wait for sam robertson to say opie has a male-breast issue

Puppy eyes are the same from birth to adulthood, not human babies. Not worth calling to correct him though. Jim probably would have called me a correcting Conrad or sumthin

The fact that obvious nonsense was a point of contention between these two dolts for like 4 minutes is all the assurance one might ever need to not choose comedians as a go-to for "worldly" matters.

I hope Gregg lives a tortured life trying, and failing, to relate to his family while he refocuses his attention to them as he realizes he's not going to be a competitor to Howie

I've always tolerated him

He's funny on radio but he's also the dude who spent a day tweeting "anyone know how to get a reddit post taken down" because some random person posted his church/wifi joke in r/comedy. He was looking for credit for a five year old Twitter post. Kinda needy.

No one on the show is a "good egg in my book" unless they walk over behind the console and start playing with Opies big tits like clackers while berating him.

Normand is dumb as a post, doe. He said today that human eyeballs and the vagina are the only two body parts that stay the same size from birth to death. He also said in the past that he believed that STD's just magically go away on their own. And his Tucker Max story this morning about jumping over a fence and not realizing he ripped his nuts open until later on the next day was pretty far fetched. "I felt a burning down there" when he was already at work the next day. "I saw ball!" What a fucking dummy.

It happened! I would show you the tape but I lost it....


He ripped his nut sack open and didn't notice the bleeding? Wow, I always figured he exaggerated road pussy stories but Ive never heard him lie like that.

He's awesome. I've seen him a few times at clubs in NY and he always steals the show.

tv/music/movie talk is for the birds