Sherrod panics and meekly mumbles "Dasaldasedere" during Bill Burr argument

29  2016-09-22 by TheFatMosque


This mush-mouthed Nervous Norbit is devoid of any talent.

Speaking in fat, fat, fat tongues

holy shit that one is completely indecipherable

Ah, yes! Akseskelosis. The Grateful Dead's classic third studio album.

What the actual fuck was that, I can't even put it into context with what Bill is saying.

I broke the code. He's saying "Ax duh Skelos(es)". This is a sherrod translation of "Ask the Skelos(es)" in regards to this guy and his son.

.......................That's it? That's all you got?


Imagine if this was that Black and White tv show? Sherrod saying dumb shit and Bill Burr calling him out on it.

I'd say I would actually watch that, but I think I would feel too bad for Burr to go through it each week.

I like seeing Burr riled up. He's too comfortable and happy, which he deserves, but I miss the Boston asshole.

Say what you want about Joe DeRosa but Uniformed was a hilarious show because it was just Bill Burr getting riled up and yelling at DeRosa the whole time.

"jesus Joe..."

Bill Burr and Joe Derosa on that show were really like water and hack. Anything Joe said Bill would call him on

I mean, deybuntu...

Have we figured out what deybuntu translates to?

Apparently "they a bunch of." I don't hear it though.

Jussa sit dere do. Jussa Bill doin nuffin.

I love this clip. Sherrod is so hack, trying to be Patrice without an ounce of his wit or talent. "Dere you go, dere's your president white guy." It's not even a race thing, it's a stupidity thing. I liked how Patrice talked about race & his paranoia etc, it was honest and funny. Sherrod is a dummy.

Patrice would always take something in a direction you'd never really thought of. As soon as the obvious thing was presented, and you thought you knew what he was going to say he'd come from a weird yet hilarious place.

''I've never laughed harder at someone I've disagreed with as much''. Even when you thought Patrice was being dumb, he was always being original and hilarious.



If it was a stupidity thing, blacks and Hispanics would support Trump.

Ive listened to this like ten times.

Sherrod loses composure and Bill is completely calm, unsure why Sherrod is being such a douche.

I think he's just used to being loud and putting people on the defensive. when someone as far above him as Bill calmly came over the top and attacked him his brain just shut down.

He was trying to be Patrice.

Bill isn't just calm, he's completely perplexed by Sherrods stupidity and lack of wit/comedy.

At least Vic knows how to speak properly.


So was this the first time anyone has asked Sherrod to explain himself?

Yes, and the flimsy illusion of his "cool black guy" confidence completely shattered like a 40oz bottle in a trash barrel bonfire under an urban overpass

Sherrod was just giving a shoutout to the best cheesesteaks in philly, Dalessandros

I hope Sherrod is killed in a car accident.


Dassa Anakin Skywalker.

Sherice Small

A minute later in the clip that faggot Gregg refuses to answer whether he'll vote for Trump or Hillary. The emptiness prevails.


That picture of Sherrott and his greasy ass bell pepper nose is infuriating.

What was the point of this stupid argument? I love that burr has no idea why Sherrod keeps this going, like it is something of importance

Pryor,Tyson, Mayweather, Don King are some of the greatest self depreciating black comics.

Wait, Sherrod is black?

Say what you want about Joe DeRosa but Uniformed was a hilarious show because it was just Bill Burr getting riled up and yelling at DeRosa the whole time.

"jesus Joe..."