Jim Norton and Sue Lightning had a little fun last night

6  2016-09-22 by CompoundMediaPR


Aye Naii! Me bums all bloodied up to hell aye!

"I don't even feel good when I give the kids a hug now"


that was a hell of a twist.

Especially the part where something on another sub made me laugh. That's a first.


haha the best part is some autist, of course, has to start a little slapfight over what the politically correct terminology is for tranny rapist

Haha "It was almost 20 hours ago i believe. Would there even be anything left"

Shit like that is why I don't leave the house. Also because wtf am I gonna do outside?

I like all of the faux-sympathetic spods in that thread, treating it like it really happened.

'I was raped last night...'

The only proper response to that is 'How was it?' Fuck, I miss how funny Jimmy used to be. :(

Wtf is he complaining about? Shit, that good of a night would cost Jimmy 1000 dollars!