"The people who started the Amy Schumer hate consisted of 5 people online that live in their parents basements" - Joe Derosa

73  2016-09-22 by andiswearrrr

Another fucking South Park thread, but I'm so glad they ripped that tired rebuttal to pieces.


The old "basement" gag.... As hack as it gets.

It seems more than 80% of the country live in their parents basement.

hey, its hard to afford your own place on a Panera paycheck

Joe DeRosa is a lifestyle shamer!

I'd much rather have 3 room mates like that big shot.

He needs to check his lifestyle privilege! What would his basement-dwelling friends think?

Hes shaming our essence!!

and somehow still manage to fuck everyones mothers

He learned Hack fro Andy Kindler - a comedian who lives in his parents' basement, yet tells the industry what state it's in every year.

I'm pretty sure Andy Kindler was an experiment in genetic engineering to see if Jews really control entertainment media.

That probably worked in the 90s but everyone is online now sharing their opinions. Its not no lifers living in their parents basement its normal people with a iphone.

Not only that, but basements rule. Why all the hate?

Oh you're sweating your ass off in 90% humidity in your living room? Sorry I can't hear you over the permanent 65 degrees in my basement that doesn't even need air conditioning, cock suckah.

For real. My room is in a finished basement and it is always the most comfortable place in the house.

I know. I have literally never known anyone with a basement. A root cellar, but that doesn't count

How's Kansas this time of year?

Flat I'd imagine

That's right goddamnit. I sleep in the attic.

I have a shed in my mum's yard. She lets me keep the lawnmower outside on nights when it's not raining.

Derosa would say literally anything to try and help his sinking career. Well anything besides something funny.


Thats a hate-term.

Also I love how they said "let him wallow in his own misery" and then show kyles dad skipping everywhere

That was the best part of last nights show. I immediately though that of Cbanks when I saw this.

You mean cskankshunt420lol?

I don't see the comedy in that, pal.

gas the kikes. race war now.

Hi, Joe.

sieg heil

I'm not your pal, buddy.

To quote Burr: "Forget it Joe it's over, Joe.. Joe!.. it's over Joe, it's over.."

And that's what I think of Joe Derosa.

I love his "...jesus Joe.."

Joe is just upset at parents because his realized what a lump of shit he was at a very early age and tossed him in the garbage where he belongs.

They floated his ass down the river in a basket like Moses.

Has this shoulderless fag written any more of his erotic fiction about naked men jumping through his window yet, or did fangoria fire him after his awful first story?

Holy shit, is this real?

Thank you and fuck you. I am worse off for knowing this piece of shit exists.

That has to be the worst piece of Gay fiction since Huckleberry Finn.

Jesus christ, Fango has really fallen on hard times....

jesus joe

He just sounds like an asshole trying to sound smart. Terrible writer

This is a reminder that Joe Derosa does music. Here is a song called Beast for the Struggle, presented without comment: https://joederosamusic.bandcamp.com/track/beast-for-the-struggle


I watched the Joe DeRosa roast on YouTube and stopped when his turn came. That's how little I think of him

Truly a withering indictment.

Is the "parents basement" thing ever gonna seem hack to them?

It's like blackface status now.

I hope Joe gets raped in the anus by an AIDS infested silverback

That would be a strange turn of events

Not everybody can have their own podcast and do open mic nights. Oh, wait.

it must be hard having a lot of comic friends, but always being the least funniest in the room.

joe derosa is a failure in every creative endeavor he has attempted and he has attempted A LOT. also he lacks shoulders and has ample tits.

You can't force funny down people's throats. Laughter is involuntary you can't tell people what or who is or isn't funny. The whole backlash is just people calling bullshit.

You know what gang, it would be a damn shame if said basement dwellers were to frame this mongrel discard as a terrorist (antwan kumia style) when the inevitable next muslim fireworks display happens

De Rosa is my member-berries. Member the time he thought that because he's technically Egyptian but was raised by some wops so he would be put in the oven by Trump's death squads? Member?

Dude must drink soy milk out of a microwaved plastic bag for breakfast.

"member the Holocaust? No you don't, because IT NEVER HAPPENED. And anyway, those kikes deserved it."

This makes me want to fuck with livelihoods!

Joe Derose has literally NEVER been funny.

Fuck that shoulderless POS.

Joe can't help being a hack.

That's also who makes up his fan base.

The best part is that is probably true, but is relevant in completely the opposite way that they intend it to be and is actually kind of amazing that a couple guys behind a keyboard can make an impact on the giants that rule us.

the parents basement line is the most hacky line in this history of the internet, you instantly sound like an old fuck when you say that. plus i wish i got to have a basement room when i was younger, you can get away with so much more and have you're own door to sneak girls/friends in.

"in their parents basement" is the new "get off my lawn"

is he still alive?

Well he's not wrong

its also a hacky line because now people are praised for startups and anything independant that they created 'in their parents basement'

you shoulderless cunt


Joe Da Poser is like Jeb retarded Bush.No amount of money or jew connections will get you up.Stay down Joe,its where you belong.

At least I didn't cost half the price as the cute, white orphans.

Ow. My nuts.

No point in complaining. He's just gonna keep kicking!

๐Ÿ‡๐Ÿ‡member Chewbacca? ๐Ÿ‡๐Ÿ‡memba Harambe?

Why do I enjoy hating Derosa so much?


Thank you and fuck you. I am worse off for knowing this piece of shit exists.

He just sounds like an asshole trying to sound smart. Terrible writer

Truly a withering indictment.

Jesus christ, Fango has really fallen on hard times....

jesus joe