This pretty much shows what kind of person Amy Schumer is.

34  2016-09-22 by shakedatbooty


steve-o's a good egg

A kinda respect Steve o here I;m only amazed how low my level of respect can go for Amy.

"The Big J Show"? Who is this fucking tool? Pukey Jotober voiced douchebag. "Huh huh! Good one. I layk that joke! Watch the langwich! Huh huh! That's funny! Huh huh!"

Wow there are a lot of annoying radio hosts. Mic is turned up way louder than everyone else's, forcefully breaks in during the most important parts of the story. And what did he have to break in for? To recap what everyone just fucking heard the guest say one second ago. "SO, she's trying to blah blah blah..." "EXACTLY!" "GOOD! I like that..." Why are so many of these guys such dumb cunts?

I have a theory I have been sitting on about shitty radio jocks like this guy (and Opie):

At a young age they were so unfunny that they would tell a joke and get no laughs so they would just plow on making noises to mask their stupid error. This translates into radio because management (on the occasional moments they check in) notice that there isn't dead air. This makes the aforementioned shithead DJ gain confidence in his techniques of steamrolling conversations and repeating shit like a fucking parrot.

Oh my god, that voice that comes in at the very end. Holy shit.


Yass. What a fucking snake she is.

Sherrod finally managed to not fuck up as a co-host

The other guys are gay as shit.

I was on Amy's side when that happened, and now I know the information I had at that time was predicated on (((Big Amy's))) fucking horse shit.

Playing both fucking sides. This isn't a new development, she was always a lying cunt.

And yeah, Steve-O isn't throwing down great lines or anything but he made a career taking shopping carts to the head and appears to be a good person.

Anyone can be the subject of any joke, because that's how it has to be, but that lying cunt used Steve's dead friend to get her foot in the door of Hollywood. It would not greatly displease me if she choked on a hambone.

Straight out of the Joe DeRosa "call off your fans" playbook.

Steve-O has a sick laptop

I wish my macbook had a red cell phone case

Give it two months before she's middling on a package tour of her giant yam headed self, Vic Henley, Bob Levy, Mike Bocetti, and Tammy Pescatelli. She'll be sucking Left's cock for shitty road coke in the back of a rented Camry.

...which means I'd certainly be able to fuck her.

No, next stop for Amy is the sympathy rehab tour. Then she can do the redemption thing and be applauded for getting help AND being fat.

He's awful too.

I don't like his sweater.