I call this "rehearsed" outrage. It just doesn't seem genuine

2  2016-09-21 by Lil_Teddy_Sheckler


Once again Cenk says "the guy was doing nothing wrong!", meanwhile he's walking away from three cops who all have their weapons drawn on him and are likely yelling "stop"

And whos car didnt break down, it was still running, and the driver freaked out on PCP

And even if it did break down...who the fuck just leaves it in the middle of the road? Get your lazy ass out and move it to the shoulder

I was even theorizing while watching it "would I be able to push my car off to the side by myself if this happened?" the answer is yes, and I'm not a large black man.

He was on pcp, he could have carried the car if he wanted to


Cenk is holding back tears!! Have you no heart Teddy Sheckler?

You're right. He's totally sincere

You can tell he's sincere because he asks for you to subscribe at the end of the video and then gets some ad revenue from the video too, my guess is he donates all of it to BLM. Cenk is the real mccoy, no doubt about it.

I hate cenk, but I think he's being genuine here... I think this stuff really does get to him

Thats because hes an over emotional tool who is incapable of shutting off his feefees for a minute to look at the numbers and use logic. Im sure hes has at least once publicly said somthing like, "I DONT WANT TO CALM DOWN! THE TIME FOR TALK IS OVER THIS HAS TO STOP"

Everytime a black guy gets shot by cops he screams and cuts his head with seashells like the Tahitian bitches from "Bounty"

I agree, he is a giant faggot

The clip didn't say "gotta taser that thing", BTW. It sounded like he said "after taser, I think" or "oughta taser, I think." If you listen to it more than once you can hear it.

Edit: typo

Did anyone get their free flag pin?

The black guy did. They're digging them out of him right now.

That clip at 3:37 should be sampled in every hip hop beat though

This is pretty bad though. Like this should piss off everyone including people that hate blacks.

But honestly though, how bad can it be when he was warned multiple times to stop walking away from her and to get on the ground? He apparently was ignoring her commands. http://abcnews.go.com/US/tulsa-police-officer-shares-side-story-terence-crutchers/story?id=42243843

He did absolutely nothing wrong and posed no threat to them. He's dead now, you'd be singing quote the different tune if your brother or dad broke down and then ended up being murdered. It also sounds like you have zero problem living in a police state where the cops can tell you anything for any reason and if you disobey they are given carte Blanche to MURDER YOU

Go out in Charlotte and fight the power... oh wait, they would shitstomp your ofey white ass

I don't give a fuck about any of this, I don't waste my time memorizing racial crime statistics. I watched a video where a guy got murdered for no reason and commented on it. I'm shocked that people try and defend it

Its not murder you hippy sjw pussy. Fucking grow up


I do love pro wrestling and have always prided myself as being a lifelong “out of the closet” wrestling fan. My entire life I have made it look cool to like wrestling. It’s because I’m a cool mother fucker this is in phenomenal shape (I’d honestly guess that I’m somewhere in the 95th percentile of adult males when it comes to fitness) and I have fucked lots of girls in my lifetime, and now I have a hot, cool, girlfriend. I mean you can not believe me, or whatever it doesn’t matter. If you don’t believe me that’s actually cool, it’s like saying “wow this guy sounds so fucking cool and awesome that I can’t even believe he’s real”

Believe it or not earthbaby, police can give lawful orders in non police states. Its called the social contract. Its called civilisation. If the cop did something illegal you can sue his ass. You cant do that in a police state

Well this department is about to get the fuck sued out of it....and a guy is dead for no reason. Just blame females lack of self control or something, once in awhile these videos come out where the cops are guilty assholes-this is one of them

You have no idea what youre talkinf about.





Huh? What book? The cop isn't black, the pcp part is speculation, AND I DONT GIVE A FUCK. Go back to the TACS sub please

See? You dont even know the fucking circumstances of these 2 shootings but you make allegations of murder? Youre race hate stirring scum. And your being used.

Oh shit that nigger just itched his nose- FUCKING SHOOT HIM. Yeah it's all good, all the racist retards on Reddit will have our backs no matter what we do

I'm talking about the one I just watched you psycho. I don't track all the police murders that happen every day. Keep sucking their cop dicks though.

Sorry i dont still have the irrational 17 year old kid attitude of "fuck authority"

No, you have the irrational 70 year old attitude of cops are never wrong and blacks are always crooks

I do love pro wrestling and have always prided myself as being a lifelong “out of the closet” wrestling fan. My entire life I have made it look cool to like wrestling. It’s because I’m a cool mother fucker this is in phenomenal shape (I’d honestly guess that I’m somewhere in the 95th percentile of adult males when it comes to fitness) and I have fucked lots of girls in my lifetime, and now I have a hot, cool, girlfriend. I mean you can not believe me, or whatever it doesn’t matter. If you don’t believe me that’s actually cool, it’s like saying “wow this guy sounds so fucking cool and awesome that I can’t even believe he’s real”

Joe has been triggered again.

Yes the US contains just 2 types of political opinions.... you or joe

Relax, Joe.

K, Patton Oswalt

I killed one woman and I'll get away with it again.

I do love pro wrestling and have always prided myself as being a lifelong “out of the closet” wrestling fan. My entire life I have made it look cool to like wrestling. It’s because I’m a cool mother fucker this is in phenomenal shape (I’d honestly guess that I’m somewhere in the 95th percentile of adult males when it comes to fitness) and I have fucked lots of girls in my lifetime, and now I have a hot, cool, girlfriend. I mean you can not believe me, or whatever it doesn’t matter. If you don’t believe me that’s actually cool, it’s like saying “wow this guy sounds so fucking cool and awesome that I can’t even believe he’s real”

Someone got drunk last night and thought this would be a cool and funny thing to do. How embarrassing

What am I not seeing that you aren't? Dude was shot with his back towards the police and his hands up, therefore, complying. Perhaps I missed how he was a threat to the police, so please, fill me in, please

Relax, Joe.