EROCK's twitter timeline is hinting the show is over.

21  2016-09-21 by TruckerLarryMustDie

Read Erik's posts and let the speculation begin!


His obesity is only matched by his vagueness.

Tss, yeah we should call him Erik Vaguel or somethin'. I dunno you go.

Ha ha that one was too good for Chip.

Double guns cocksucker.

Oh, Erock...

This is the way the shitshow ends. Not with a bang, but a whimper.

The last place id expect to see a TS Eliot quote

There's plenty of TS's quoted around here.

"I have measured out my life with spoons of cum"

-T.S. Eliot

Tsss what are you a boken snake record ah sumpthin go ta break fat boyy

The quote is famous by itself, even apart from its source.

That's how it goes.

Fuckin way she goes, boys....

All good things must come to an end in 2014.

Ended in 2011 for me, I am very cool BTW

Thanks for linking to what you're talking about, jackass.

Anyone that has ever typed "Yeah, about that...." with no expanded explanation is a fucking cunt.

I have seen dry humor. Erock is just dry drivel.

That teenager vagueness isn't the same as wit

It took years for people around here to start being as annoyed with Erock as I am.

Maybe Ant will be cunty again and announce it like the Stangles signing.

Look, you can hate him for nearly everything he does - but that shit was funny.

Not saying it wasn't. It was great.

That was funny tbh fam

It's amazing how I visit this place every day and your comment reminded me that Ant still does a show. It's amazing how irrelevant he has become in my mind.

If the whole Greggshells episodes taught us anything it's that whatever deal that's been offered won't be signed by tits until the 11th hour.

The show has been over for years.

The show is probably over in a couple weeks and they're not even acknowledging it on air.

We're in vury touchy financial negotiations! sniff

URRK! Yurr furd!


How mysterious and intriguing!

Opie always hinted at doing something else yet continued doing the same thing after Ant got fired. Then he ends up doing the same with Jimmy pretty much, wanting to move on to different stuff etc, I think Opie will just continue on his own if Jim leaves.. unless he finally "moves on to something else"

He doesn't even know how to do the one thing he's been doing, he sure as fuck doesn't know how to do anything else.

I hope he finally moves on to a shotgun in his mouth.

Not sure why you were getting downvotes. I thought this sub was pro bullet-sandwiches.

I hope everyone here eats one.

Yep, looks like he's pretty bummed

You think he'll pull a Carlisi?

Better get some steel cable

And attach it to a crane

Attach that to the Rock of Gibraltar

And attach that to an additional planet.

tss then to sumptin really heavy er sumptin! Fawk! I dunno, I'm just riffin! tss tsss

No way. He is too self absorbed with cartoons and toys. He will slither into a new radio related job , even if it pays shit. It doesn't matter to him since he got that Nagel money nigga.


erock will be fine, he has the nagel fortune to fall back on

I really hope you're talking about Opie.

Show was over when Ant was fired he was the engine of the show all the voices he does I swear its like the real people

I just tweeted the sockcuckuh. Asked him "Whats with the incomplete se...."

Wow, I think it's all over....

Maybe we are all finally free...

Dude, we're more institutionalized than Brooks.

Yeah, probably, but I've been out there, and trust me, there isn't much going on. Better just keep to our work here and not worry about what shows may or may not exist.

"ya about that.."

the only thing I know is that it went a good two years past its expiration date. I'm told its because SiriusXM is more like some Ponzi/Tax scheme/laundering thing and not an actual money-making operation.

But assuming they won't burn money anymore I then assume this is the overdue end. the only other purpose (and it was the original one) was so Stern knew there was, at least, some approximate replacement for him just in case.

"Look Howard,, keep in mind Opie can be here doing interviews too!"

Anyways, good riddance.

He's probably depressed because now he has to actually put in a solid day's work if he wants to earn his keep with any other show at the company.

He's a fucking liar. He's not doing shit.

Did he ever?

Could that be about his own show ending or getting cut out of the budget? I'm not even sure when IEN is on anymore. Sam is 9-12 M-F I thought so is Erock's only a weekend night show?

Although yeah not to mention the 2 songs he linked today could possibly be a bit of a vague reference at the show ending and the one about being the 3rd mic "Yeah about that..." combined with it all does seem very fishy...

erock army never dies nigga


Vague E-Rock

What a vague and mysterious boy!


Erock looks like Louis Anderson birthed him from his giant asshole.

someone i know asked jim at his sydney show about opie and he said "i'm done with him".

Did he ever?

I hope everyone here eats one.