Anthony cumia post rehab

7  2016-09-21 by HostDisorder

I'm not a subscriber and have to rely on YouTube videos to update me.

Is he doing well? Has he touched on the whole process at all?

I'm asking as an addict myself and as a fan of the radio show, I know ant loved his drink but I didn't think he had a real problem.


If by "process" you mean Tranny cock then yeah he's touched on that

*sucked on that

Take us out pig boy

I'm pretty sure the whole rehab thing was court ordered.

Edit: Meaning the whole thing was a joke and he never intended to get better.

I hunched at that.

Has he been having his obligatory beer on the shows? I can't help but think that even without really wanting to stop, a month in rehab would certainly make me at least ponder the idea..

Dude why are you asking us? None of us watch ants show or listen to Opies show

You post this on anything TACS related. We get it, /u/ihaveaholeinmyass doesn't watch TACS.

and il run it into the ground all I want

I won't tell you how to run your life, sir.

On a serious note, those without a subscription have missed a lot of great Opie bashing.

Ant bashing Opie now is just sad... Opie is the winner in all this.. Ants reputation is destroyed, he will always be known now as the racist, pedo woman beater.. Opie will just be that guy who sucked at radio but got lucky

Is that really your reason for not liking Anthony? (Cue "he doesn't know how to be funny anymore!" response)

I don't care if Opie has a family and is better off financially than Anthony, he's an unfunny shit bag who ruined what could have been a great show for at least a decade. He had nothing to do with the "above all else, real" image the show eventually took on (that was Jimmy) and he couldn't even roll with it when it became that. With his "leave it alone!"'s and "just go with the real moment here!" when Opie is crying about an article.

Opie is worthy of being bashed. He's an ego-inflated shit head who will do his best to make others feel less than him. Including outright lying about his "poor" upbringing to gain sympathy and the ability to shit on others. He fell into radio on a whim (college station) and never realized he didn't have the talent to be on-air.

Anthony on the other hand, is a truly blue collar, talented guy who worked his ass off to succeed. He wants to fuck 16 year olds (you're lying if you say you wouldn't fuck a hot 16 year old wherever the law permitted it) and likely punched a dumb bitch who might as well have asked for it.

Tldr; Opie is shit as a human being, Anthony has talent and deserves a career.

Dude I'm not reading all that!!!!!!

Edit - ok I just read it.. no I would not fuck a 16 year old and it is legal to here in the uk because it's still a fuckin child.. The reason guys like ant want to fuck children is so he can dominate them and feel in control because in reality, he's a massive pussy, hence the need for all the guns.. He also physically assaulted a woman, I don't care how much of a sewer rat she is, she is still a she and you don't hit bitches, comprendi? Anthony is a legit racist, he's not making jokes anymore, he genuinely believes the problem in America is black people, yet ant probably has zero interaction with black props on a day to day bases Also, his brother is a fuckin dick

there's some good stuff in there

I haven't seen him drinking on air, so who knows. His twitter feed has been awful these past few months, nothing but politics/race talk, so maybe that's what Ant's like sober...

Shit this could be bad. Ever since the ralphie may rant I knew this guys funny went hand in hand with beer. I don't think he even drinks that much, it was just that court bullshit with that 14 year old woman child, most of time it's a bud light he's drinking.

I agree, but there's no denying Ant's a piece of shit.

Is it unequivocal that he hit that girl? He was def violent?

He had a bud light on the recent Legion of Skanks.

Oh boy...

He is a wash out who would get shit faced drunk on Xanax constantly. His drunken racist rants cost him his dream job. He drunkenly beat up and strangled a chick. He drunkenly would come on here at 4 AM and spew embarrassing nonsense that only hurt him and made himself look terrible. He lost his job, his friends, his guns, had to go to dozens of court dates and court mandated rehab.

I'd say it looks like he certainly DID have a drinking problem.

How is he doing now? Who the fuck knows?

Is there an archive of his posts? I can't seem to find them.


Trigger Warning: astounding levels of butthurt

Trigger Warning? You spelled it wrong

Any evidence on his Xanax usage?

I think Dr. Steve confirmed it.

does that fukin dago have any money left? i hope he dies.

Right ok. What's this sub dedicated to then?

We mainly talk about peckahs and stinks drug addiction

We enjoy pictures of nigger trannies. Got any to contribute, kike?

I tuned in today and he wasn't that bad. His commentary on Hansen Vs. Predator was funny. But he's a snooze most of the time.

Does anyone Tune into the autistic tit monster and Jimmy? Even when they have comics on as guests there's now that unfunny black guy who just pervades his obnoxiousness. Opie and Jim is a strange show of contrived humour and walking on greggshells

I hunched at that.

Has he been having his obligatory beer on the shows? I can't help but think that even without really wanting to stop, a month in rehab would certainly make me at least ponder the idea..