Hey Gang: YouTube is now putting into place a system that gives users an incentive to mass report videos, piggybacking off of their recent monetization policy change.

22  2016-09-21 by TangerineReam


I guess they had to use the term "YouTube HEROES", because they couldn't opt to use the term "YouTube FAGGOTS".

But just like the issue with monetization...if you had old O&A/R&F clips (like the time Louis CK defined the origin of "nigger" to Patrice O' Neal); there's the possibility that its both not making its little sheckles from ads hosted on the video (i think that particular vid did well number-wise), but that it could be flagged completely by SJW budinskis who don't have real jobs, and are looking for the incentive to not only beta-test new YouTube features, but to PROTECT the monetization of their OWN page by elbowing their way into YouTube's Heroes Program.

Most of the "SJW" users are ultimately posting politically polarizing material, which if YT practices their monetization policy ethically; those videos can be on the chopping block as much as anything from Red Letter Media, Amoured Skeptic, etc. So YouTube Heroes (faggots) completes the combo that is essentially placating to a one-sided policy of venerating nosy busy-body SJW's; I guess it's their plan to kill trolls?...

They disabled comments for their video, and the dislikes at the time of writing this is at 9,779, against 779 likes. So not a popular practice, and one that might blow up in their face regardless, but they ARE a monopoly. Either way; theres a possibility that old O&A vids could be taken down outright, and not over copyright shit.


Policy change aside, everything about that video screams hipster marketing douches. I fucking hate marketers.

Why does every little detail in advertising and entertainment have to be so fucking cutesy now? Just look at how fruity the visuals and music are in that video.

Because they have to market to this current pussy generation of triggered "OMG SO NERDY" faggots

I know they're millennials, but I refuse to believe that any man wants hear that lame hipster music and see those cute, colorful fonts every time he clicks on a video.


It's to the point where it's happened so often it's become the standard. I had to make a video similar to this once, I checked the freelance sites and 90% of them have portfolios filled with shit like this. That and those writing-on-whiteboard explainer videos.


It looks very childish and youre right tons of these ads now are the same way with the most obnoxiously corny background music like were all 6 year olds. I regrettably switched to an iPhone last purchase I made but this type of advertising reminds me of how cartoony and lame the graphics are on that product supposedly made for adults

The music in most recent advertisements makes me sick. Try this one

That really is disgusting. Also how the fuck does an advertisement have 62 MILLION views? Jesus christ do people love being corporate slaves.

Ever since Dove (I think it was them) did that ad a few years ago about natural beauty all these companies have been tripping over each other trying to build their ads around female empowerment. Now, on the surface it might make no sense to do a makeup ad all about how women should be happy without makeup, but deep down I think they know women are rubes. They do this because they know they can get coverage in that huge network of feminist blogs and websites. Once they get that, women will freely post the ad on Facebook and that's how you make something go "viral."

I work in Marketing. Once anyone gets wind of a trend they run it into the ground.

I work in Marketing.



because nu males are complete weakling betas. not their fault Society has engineered nu males to be more like women. And women are now more like men. What the globalist want.

NY and LA are you central areas for this

Most or all of that was planned out by a 27 year old who looks and dresses like Marc Maron.

We should probably start saving, downloading, and converting shit, people.

Or we could all just go outside

(After a long pause, Guinness and Hole grin at each other before simultaneously saying, "Naaa!")

Why? What's out there?

Depends, here it's Muslims that wanna cut my head off... apparently

the UK?


im sorry

It's not so bad, it's 3am and I'm 30 seconds away from a plethora of late night food and booze shops.. and I can my iPhone screen repaired in 10 minutes for £40.. that's pretty much what the mussies do well, food and phone repair

For 40 quid? I think it might be less here, but theres a ton of places that do it and they vary. How bad has the whole Sharia/Muslim thing gotten, from what you've experienced?

Dude it's nothing, I live in a heavily Arab and Somali area and the only problems I've had is with chavs (white scally kids) all that shit about sharia areas is bulshit.. maybe some areas in London, Leeds and Manchester you'll get groups of Muslims going round tryin to stop students drinking alcohol but they get laughed at... It's not Muslims that are the problem, it's fuckin I migrants from countries stuck in the dark ages who can't handle seeing a chick in a skirt

Hmmm... Grangetown?

Wow, no but that's pretty scary that you know what city I live in, I don't think it said

You mentioned you were Welsh. Due to the fact you can spell and haven't posted anything overtly racist, I surmised you weren't a Gog or from Swansea. So that just left one option really. And in my day at least, the Somali community was mostly in Grange/Butetown.

That is some impressive logic

The internet should just be destroyed

This is only gonna empower those sensitive faggots out there.

what facist shit

If you took away the bubbly noises,upbeat music, and diversity you could make a pretty futuristic looking Nazi-Youtube commercial

Uploaders should start using vid.me instead.

Who's still uploading O&A content?

BobWhoKidSamShow if im not mistaken he just uploads all of the WAAF and WNEW shows


Isn't there a 10 minute limit? A better choice would be archive.org.

Somebody could post the mp3s of shows/clips on usenet as well. SiriusXM doesn't seem to give a shit about DMCAing older shows, and highwinds keeps files in retention for ~3000 days.

I'll just dump my channel on archive if I get censored. fuck youtube

Fucking shit. This is gonna kill everything good and fun about YouTube. I can only imagine the smug little fucks sitting there at home flagging videos they don't like or find offensive. And they're gonna do it for free too!

Lol this is going to be a shitstorm

Don't worry /pol/ is already on it and we have found a solution:


Holy Toledo, thats hilarious

What kind of a little douchebag would volunteer for this shit? Does anybody really want to bust their ass to go to a "YouTube Hero's Summit"?

Surely this can be abused and used against them.

I guess by joining the program and banning THEIR videos (The SJW's I mean)?

Make subtitles in videos? WTF.

There is no way anyone came up with the idea for mass-flagging videos without the intent for it to be abused, that's almost the only time it would be used.

This is a golden opportunity to infiltrate at the ground level. It's going to happen no matter how much people complain about it. Might as well join in and see how many normal people can reach the upper level and then destroy them from within...somehow, I haven't thought that part through yet.

im sorry

Holy Toledo, thats hilarious

You mentioned you were Welsh. Due to the fact you can spell and haven't posted anything overtly racist, I surmised you weren't a Gog or from Swansea. So that just left one option really. And in my day at least, the Somali community was mostly in Grange/Butetown.