Remember that post that got Ant gold?

22  2016-09-21 by Dennyislife


That is fucking horrifying. Fffffoookkkkccchhh

What a fucking faggot.


he sure showed us

his life totally didn't take a fucking nose dive after this post

It was this thread title by me that set him off that night. A wonderful moment

fantastic work

"Some of these titles could be seen as bullying. Hate to see you lose your playground here for 'hate speech'".. My God man, so much douchechills

I'd like to think Anthony had a single tear streaming down his face as he wrote that diatribe.

LOL He was going to shut us down for hate speech. Spoken like a true Hillary voter.

That's my favorite part it's such a faggy little threat. "HMMMMM Mayyybe I'll get you shut down??"

All this because we found out that he is a gay man. As if we would hate Anthony for fucking men! Norton's entire persona is based on fucking men with make believe tits and we loved him for it. We are a very accepting and post-modern fanbase.

I'd argue it's less that he's gay than he paid a young male prostitute to come to his home because Sue is a dead-ringer for a 10-11 year old girl. And Anthony's track record shows that he enjoys fucking children, but is willing to settle for pedophile cosplay to avoid incarceration.

And most of would be forgiving of him having to pay to have sex with a young male prostitute that's a dead-ringer for a 10-11 year old girl if he was still funny.

He clearly swallowed Sue's batch and took it up the shitter on numerous occasions.

Disgusting. They've made their careers out of bullying other people, but when it's them on the receiving end of it, it's hate speech. He's a fucking despicable human being.

The comments in reply to each one of his rant posts are funnier than anything he's said since he's been fired.

The beginning on the end for Danny here, everyone started tugging his pud then he came on asking for handouts. No worse than BroJoe, or skinks.

Did Danny delete his comments on there? Despite what a schmuck he ended up being I thought he was on the money on that thread.

He deleted his entire account so his posts got wiped too.

What a winner.

His cross dressing pic's must have been terrible to straight up disappear at their mention.

I still can't believe he would even think to write something like that. I know it's been said 1,000 times, but what we did to him is what he spent his entire career doing to everyone and to a much wider audience. Open your eyes, Andy.
