This sub affecting your life...

8  2016-09-21 by Mr702law

Last night I was with my gf and a friend. Both listen to OJ. The topic of what happens in October came up. I know I know, why the fuck would we be talking about this? But we were. Anyways I say something about Jimmy possibly being gone at least from Opie's show. My gf asks who'd replace him. I say well the speculation is Vic Henley or Sherrod. She says "I hate Sherrod".

I then ask "did you know Sherrod is black?? She answers literally "of course I do". My friend, who does not come here, couldn't stop laughing.


I can't believe you know people irl who have any idea what any of this shit is.

I think this is some kind of sick reverse fan fiction.

I can't believe he found someone to talk to him

My thoughts as well. Only time I have EVER talked to anyone irl who knew of O&A was at a Jim norton show in Minneapolis.

Outside of that, about 3 people I've talked to knew of Jim norton the comedian. (I assume Because of his Netflix specials)

I do not believe that you know two people who listen to O&J

Or a girlfriend

Great story. I'd love to hear it again over a cup of coffee.

*Container of coffee.

You do not have a girlfriend.

The (maybe) girl you cyber with on Warcraft does not count.

i was telling a joke right, then i was doing this nose thing right,

then we were all doing the nose thing and everybody was ROFL, it was like LOL

Your friend probably dicks her down when you aren't there

I'm not sure how the sub affected your life here.

Oh, literal girlfriend.

Yeah, the three people who listen to O&J all know each other. Shuuuuuuure.

Are you all truckers or something?

Time to ditch her.

I give my friends updates they don't ask for because you guys crack me up. it's like a highway fire that wont burn out and after so long it shouldn't be burning anymore but somehow there are new casualties.



HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA oh fuck...hahaha oh man....that's fawking hilarious

He couldn't stop laughing, because the shitty conversation you were boring your girlfriend with is the reason she fucks him behind your back.

OP was shit. But the comments on this are vurry good. Period. Here come the downvotes

Appreciate it!

No offense it just wasn't a very good post. I have yet to make a good post. But your post did produce some high quality comments so I guess it actually is a good post. Can I say post again?

I'm gonna keep trying!