My all time favorite Gervais/Merchant/Pilkington moment (Ricky's laugh at the end)

21  2016-09-21 by LindaSpringwood


Remember when Ricky could fill an entire show and not go on about Atheism and was kind of OK with being a bit taboo?

Holy Phuc this show was great.

my favorite moment of all time. The atomic bomb manhole cover story

Something weeiird is happening there!

Are you still in Madrid? Did you pass on that message I gave you to my ex, Sara Carbonero?

quite the jaw

up to your old tricks are you homosexual Landel Sprongwood? Your not fuuling anyone by pertending to be a girl!!!!!

Case closed! Bring me a bagel!

"Problem is, they don't look like real people" Steve: "Don't slag off Rick Waller" Fucking hilarious.

I remember listening to this live in the bath when I was 15 before my Saturday job in Woolworths

An equally amazing moment.

She wrote an article about them slagging her off. They talked about that on air then slagged her off some more.

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I'd say Gervais is about as funny as cancer, but cancer is actually quite amusing.

I know we'll all laugh when you get it

See? Told you!

Enjoy the American Office faggot

The first two or three seasons were pretty funny.

I did, thanks. It had Patrice in it, and was generally a bit funnier than the mawkish, sentimental shit that was the British one (oddly enough - usually you Americans prefer the sentimental stuff).

Obviously I didn't realise to what extent that smug shit Gervais was royalty among the polesmokers here. Baffling.

To be honest I've never seen a whole episode. But it seemed like the most irritating answer.

shut up retard

Make me, you goddam Mary.

I don't make trash, I burn it.

Why would you say something like that? I'm a real person. With real feelings.

I got carried away in the moment. I apologize.

shut up retard

I don't make trash, I burn it.

Why would you say something like that? I'm a real person. With real feelings.