Walton Goggins is the shit

11  2016-09-21 by JMueller2012


I saw u posting on the vice principals sub, I said hi to u and u completely ignored me, that was pretty rude man. R u embarrassed of us or something?


Is it because I bring up the rocky relationship u have with ur father? I'm just trying to help, man.

Get out of here

No, I would like to hear about it.

It's pretty wild, It involves "father of the bride". I can't say anymore without his permission

He said it was ok.

Just ask him. He'll tell u, I'm sure of it

I want to hear about this Rocky relationship you have with your father? Does he pretend to be Mickey and make this speech to you?

Please tell me about your dad. If you do I'll give you a buck or two.


Great show. HBO needs to release the second season in the spring and not be cocksuckers. It's already done. Fuck this waiting a year bullshit for significantly lower budget shows.

Completely agree

Is it seriously done?

I think that's their plan. Not sure where I read it but it will be back in the spring.

Man, he's sure come a long ways from Shane Vandrel. Can't say he gets type-cast, that's for sure.

Russell tried to kill Gamby

A bug flew in my mouth

Googins is great in everything I've seen him in.The Shield ,Justified, Sons of Anarchy. ....going to watch hateful 8 this weekend.

He's fantastic in hateful 8

Awesome. I work in a highschool and have done the same thing to kids pretty much. Only slightly less gay.

One interesting thing about Goggins is that when his character is introduced in The Hateful Eight you can somehow tell that it's him, even though he's just a figure in the distance. I don't know if it's his posture, the weird shape of his head or what.

Chris might be the best character in that film, too.