Any of u slaves on SSRI's or other antidepressants

1  2016-09-21 by duranfarbissina

I'm on lexapro, pete davidson is too so i tried to quit cold turkey but i gave up about 4 days in


No, that shit is stupid. People should be depressed with all the race mixing and feminism going on. Maybe your depression is trying to tell you something.

I stick with good old prescription speed.

Eat organic and smoke some weed you depressed future mass murderin fucks

Go fuck a tree, tree fucker.

No shit, what a faggot.

I'm all in with the suicide mass murder pills

That shit is poison. I was on lexapro for a few months and it just made me shit diarrhea and want t stay inside all day jerking off my flaccid shitty cock.

I was on Lexapro until I went out and had 4 beers and then woke up in jail. Completely blacked out and took down 2 streetlights with my car. Got a dui out of it. Now I'm on wellbutrin for anger issues and every time I try to get off of it I fail.

Happens to me, too. Sometimes I can drink a ton and not really be drunk, like way more than I used to be able to drink. Other times just a few beers and I timewarp, not remembering anything at all.

I was pleading with the cops that it was a complication from medication but they weren't having it. I refused to blow and the only evidence they had was that I failed a field sobriety test after being in a horrible accident. I copped a deal and got to keep my license which never happens when you refuse to blow. Live and learn right

I'm on Zoloft right now. It's making my mania worse but I'm having fun with it. I took Prozac for a while last year and I quit cold turkey without any issues at all.

I've taken tons of other shit I can't remember the names of but those are the only two SSRI's.

Also Prozac is useless

I take Pristiq and I'm convinced it has no effect on me whatsoever.

That stuff will turn you gay. Take Cymbalta.

I used to be on Prozac, then Zoloft, then back to Prozac, but stopped taking it the a few months after I was prescribed it cuz it made me feel like I had a jagged rock in my stomach. It made me feel like my vision was foggy too, like everything looked like it had soft lighting around it. Fuck that shit.

How long were you on it and what happened when you stopped taking it?

The third time I was on it for maybe 2 months, and nothing really happened when I stopped. My stomach stopped feeling like I had a rock sitting in it, but that's all. The other two times I didn't use it for longer than a few months each time, I didn't like the way they made me feel.

Ah ok. Makes sense why quitting didn't effect you. Everytime I try to quit I get brain zaps and this uncomfortable floating in an elevator feeling in my gut.

Well, the last time I stopped taking them I was also going through tramadol/vicodin withdrawal, so I didn't sleep for more than 8 hours that week and was extremely depressed and suicidal. I just chalked that up to the WDs tho.

Tramadol detox is maybe the worst thing I've ever gone through physically. Took me over a month to start feeling like myself again. That was after taking the extended release for over a year.

Yeah, it was pretty shitty. After about 8 days though I started feeling ok, I was prescribed tramadol to help me get off vicodin. Probably should have just stuck with the vicodin cuz I could've actually sold it. Nobody buys tramadol. I was using heroin and vicodin, then transitioned to tramadol, then pretty much went cold turkey when I was in Florida for my sisters wedding. Not the best idea I've ever had, but I'm glad to be off all that shit.

I don't know why, but I don't hate the brain zaps myself. They're weird but not painful to me. There's a slight amount of pleasure to them that I'd rather not examine the source of.

They give me anxiety because it feels like I'm having a stroke.

I'm on heroin does that count? I use it as an antidepressant

On Zoloft, and love it.

I self medicate with supplements. Macuna El Dopa, Adrafinil, Centroxopene, Noopept, Huperzine, Vinpocetine, Choline, Caffeine, Nicotine, and Octopamine.

They give me anxiety because it feels like I'm having a stroke.