Text from my online dating profile.

0  2016-09-21 by F_H_Rileys_MaitreD

***I've had it with these whores. Now, my profile just chronicles the vapid idiocy we refer to as women:

First thing: A lot of women on these dating sites profess to want to settle down and/or be married, but that's certainly not the vibe they're giving off.

They seem more enamored of frequently eating out and jetsetting around the world than building some savings and starting a family. Maybe some dude out there can provide you with both the dubious Carrie Bradshaw fantasy that you've come to love AND a home while paying for a kid at the same time. It ain't me, unfortunately for both of us.

I just wanted to get that out of the way because I see these profiles where the expectation is that we're going out twice a week for $100 dinners, vacationing thrice yearly on the French Riviera, Machu Pichu, and St. Bart's, buying a $1Mil home, etc.. I'm also expected to be driving a Ferrari on the Autobahn while I kill international terrorists with a retrofitted dick laser, and then rapel off a mountain with dental floss to escape into the sea on trained porpoises.

So, to be upfront with you: I'm not rich, and, even if I was, I'm afraid I'd be unwilling to provide you with your requisite level of pampering and excitement. Related: Do you know who also typically requires a high level of external stimulation? Sociopaths. Look it up. Just saying...

ALSO: I had this recurring issue on another website where women would revisit my profile 4, 5, 6 times and do NOTHING. These are 30 and 40 year-old women. PULL THE TRIGGER, YOU CREEPS. Send a message. Say something meritorious. A lot of you have an inability to communicate or initiate that would seem to indicate severe autism. Women love to histrionically portray themselves as being under the scrutiny of weirdos/stalkers, but my personal experience shows that the aforementioned creep pendulum swings both ways. I don't want the same gang of goons repeatedly visiting my profile. It's annoying. Find something else to fixate on from afar.

Now that that is out of the way, let's start with the physical:

I prefer an athletic, curvy, or even a slightly overweight woman to a waifish one.

I'm not into women younger than around 28. I think middle-aged men walking around with young girls who aren't family are straight creepy.

I'm primarily attracted to White and Asian/Pacific Islander women..

I'm not really into blondes (most of these so-called blondes are fake blondes, anyway) as I strongly prefer darker hair. Also not into any hair coloring that occurs outside of the natural human hair color spectrum.

Speaking of natural, I'm not crazy about anything fake. Boobs, eyelashes, nails, high-heels, corsets, ass pads, hair extensions--if it's fugazi, you can keep it. I don't feel the need to use anything to deceptively and unnaturally augment my appearance--why should you?

This includes makeup, BTW: A lot of women inexplicably slather on copious amounts of whore paint; detracting from their natural beauty to instead resemble overzealous, transsexual prostitutes. That doesn't look attractive. Why all the coverup? Planning to commit a bank robbery? Do you think I want that shit all over my pillowcases or staining my expensive shirts? Just wash your face regularly and get a little sun, ya goddamned ghouls! LMAO!

Look it at from my perspective: How can I not correlate your fake appearance with your personality also being superficial and fake?

Similarly, I'm not into excessive tattoos/piercings. Honestly, I feel if you're over 30 and have piercings, you're most likely either a stripper or a mental defective. Your tats I suppose we can chalk up to youthful indiscretion. What is this insipid fascination with "body modification", anyway? Do you feel that your body is such a hideous turd that it needs this garish and ostentatious detailing that detracts from the natural symmetry? Come on. You're better than that. You want to "express yourself", you say? Write a book or start a blog or something. Nothing says "Daddy didn't love me" more than looking like a carnie.

Now onto personality traits I like:

Warmth Intelligence Mellowness Serious-minded, but not career/status consumed. Someone who can put up with the fact that I'm not terribly adventurous and am a vegetarian and picky eater. I have to think of more...

P.S.: This is going to sound cold, but: I don't want to deal with a woman with kids unless those children are grown. I did the stepfather thing with an old GF's child and it's not for me. I might want to have my own kid one day, but I'm leaning a little towards "no" on that, as well.


Sounds like a personal problem. tldr; faggot aids faggot

I thought you guys would find the ridiculing/roasting of whores amusing.

I didn't read this, but based on a couple sentences you seem like a woman hating psychopath who should get some help.

I don't hate women. Just dinner whores.

I'll go for honest advice instead of calling you a faggot.

While your profile is mostly the truth, it's not going to garner you any interest even from a well adjusted woman. She'll agree with 90% of what you're saying, but think you are too negative to be a fun guy to be around.

I've farted around a bunch on OK cupid this year after breaking up with my ex wife last year. The first lesson I learned is to never bring a girl you ain't fucking to a restaurant. A nice one that would cost you anything significant anyways. It's either a booze filled dates or cheap/free ones (coffee, walk in the park, dessert place, etc)

Yeah. Obviously, calling me a faggot is the response of a woman. I realize this profile isn't getting any positive feedback. I purposefully left it up this way to show them how ludicrous their own profiles/expectations are. LOL. I didn't actually expect hits back at this point. I'm not delusional. The parts that aren't humorous or castigating are merely left in from when it was an actual dating profile and not an excoriating monologue dedicated to dinner whores.

I'm guessing you are in NYC or some other big city? I think the combo of online dating and NYC, just draws the worst of the worst.

My best dating experiences this year have been from a random girl I met on the subway and a girl at the gym. Both lived in Queens too. I got a couple bangs from OKC, but the only one out of about 20 that was a genuinely nice person without a crippling anxiety problem was a post op tranny.

I think living in Manhattan when one wasn't born there or being wealthy is a big red flag of delusional expectations women.

Very perceptive. "Sex and the City" basically created this transplanted sex worker class of women who expect not only frequent narcissistic supply from their multiple suitors, but also frequent giftings and feedings. A "what can you do for me?" mentality whereby they overvalue their own vaginas and view men as clueless, emasculated cucks for them to get money from.

EDIT: I'm from Queens. Born in Bushwick.

Yeah man, basically, just realize the shittiest women move to Manhattan. If you keep dating those types, you'll end up a misogynist. Just date broads from the outer boroughs that are natives.

LI/Queens guy here.

There are other ways to comment on the ridiculousness of their profiles and still seem fun. I'd make up funny Marilyn Monroe quotes like "maybe all these sleeping pills will get the taste of Kennedy dick out of my mouth" or I'd say things like "I've caught some big fish but I burned all of the pictures in effigy" Something like that shows you have command of words and you like to joke around.


I never once fell for the dinner whore thing. I'm a native NYer. My street smarts are way beyond that of some Midwestern transplant whose grift involves mouthnursing a gagger. And I'm not kissing any bitch's ass. EVER. I'm 6' 7" and 300 lbs with a 141 IQ. Unless the bitch is Marilyn Vos Savant, I'm the one with the superior genes. Any bitch should thank their lucky stars to have a guy as smart as me who isn't a little faggot.

I'm not here for advice. I have stated several times already that I'm trolling these whores at this point.

Are you Big A?

No, I'm taller than Big A and almost entirely muscle. Plus I have at least 60-70 IQ points on him.

Well I'll be damned. Look at all those words

Poor sap. Blank no text profiles get more traffic and generate intrigue/interest

Does anyone know a dating site where i can meet hot 12-15 year olds?


No, i'm not Anthony, but the man is my hero, everything i know i learned from him.

Kinder, it's an app my friend Anthony is designing

"Also not into any hair coloring that occurs outside of the natural human hair color spectrum." Laughed good at this, struck a nerve I guess.

The rest of it is pretty good, a bit too long tho. Not long in the sense that I'm a retard and can't read long shit, long in the sense that you ramble a bit and your point gets muddled toward the end. Shorter would be more impactful. I suffer from the same curse, as evidenced by this reply. I often have to rewrite shit and tell myself don't send a 100 word email when you'll have better audience readability and info retention with 50 words sorta thing.

4/10, you lost 2 points because you suggested someone "start a blog". Hopefully one of these whores will read that and poison your appletini.

I'm a straight edge, so that would never happen. Maybe she would sneak some strychnine into my Honest Tea.

Blog is better than tats and piercings IMO

Also: What I don't like about these sites is that the quick matching/swipe/pic like part has no AI or algorithm or whatever. Doesn't remember a fucking thing. Not only will it repeatedly show me pics of the same harpies I dismissed mere minutes ago, but I'll swipe past every single Black and Guyanese woman they show me 300 times and they'll still send me 300 more. Not only should there be a "Pass" option, there should be a "HARD PASS" that simultaneously blocks them and makes sure you're not sent similar simians.

I should have also been able to specify: ETHNICITIES I WANT NO CONTACT FROM under a checklist or something. Throw in those fucking Bindaloos from India, too. The only courtship those hoes understand involves playing tag around a tree.

I read this in Joe Derosa's voice.

Wtf are you looking for on these apps? If it's getting pussy than maybe you should lower them standards a bit. Why alienate the blonde girls when you know damn well you wanna fuck them?

Blondes repulse me. Not into them, man.

Periods repulse me and at least 25% of my waking life I'd be willing to plunge my PECKA in a menstrating vagina

I did that once with a Rican. Looked like a horror show.

Sometimes the old "in out in out" can make for a real horror show, especially after a night of ultra violence with your droogs

I never once fell for the dinner whore thing. I'm a native NYer. My street smarts are way beyond that of some Midwestern transplant whose grift involves mouthnursing a gagger. And I'm not kissing any bitch's ass. EVER. I'm 6' 7" and 300 lbs with a 141 IQ. Unless the bitch is Marilyn Vos Savant, I'm the one with the superior genes. Any bitch should thank their lucky stars to have a guy as smart as me who isn't a little faggot.

I'm not here for advice. I have stated several times already that I'm trolling these whores at this point.