How does Ant know what an embarrassing brother is like?

24  2016-09-20 by Dennyislife


The denial is staggering.

His twitter feed is amazing. I don't understand the desire some people have to be upset with something 24/7.

If u call him out on it, he'll just say he's just having fun then call u a name with some emojis added, then angrily block u


What do u mean?


I was blocked years ago, the only time I see his Twitter shit is on here. Now go back to pretending that ur someone who's actually funny.




Haha this butthurt bitchboy is all over this thread trying to defend his unfunny hero. U mad as hell.

Just cuz this place sniffs out your schizophrenia no matter the account you're on. Shhh ballwasher, take your meds.


Projecting is parroting what you read.

Such a mad bitch boi.


No. I come here to see if something funny or entertaining happened since otherwise I don't follow the show.


That Canadian is a tool though.

There are no winners here.

Add to that, Weirdfellas, the faggot who got ran off here & deleted his account is knighting Anthony on there.


I thought he was the one who got invited to one of Ant's parties after the firing and everyone was sucking his dick.

Then deleted and made a couple new accounts after being exposed as a lame podcast host and trying to plug it in every thread. But had to delete those because he started bragging about having the inside scoop in the comedy scene because he was doing open mics.

Am I getting these queers mixed up?


I remember him being cool at first. Seemed like a lucky fan who found himself at Ant's house

Then he started plugging his shitty podcast that was trashed constantly. Had to change his username to avoid hate...? Just guessing. Created some alt account to keep plugging it

Then made a new account to speak about the comedy scene. Took on this air of superiority when someone disagreed with him. Like the "civilians" argument those 25 year comics make, except its from a 1st year open mic. The mentality of, "what do you know about comedy, maaaan!" Ugh relax

Now he has an alias to make movie quotes...?

I may be wrong but this is what i remember. I don't think he's a terrible guy, just a douchebag.


This canuck pays children loonies to spit maple syrup into his mouth. Obviously he does this for sexual reasons, eh?


What a dumb fucking argument on Ant's part.

Yeah he's going for the math side of things. You'd have to pick up alot of skittles to find the one that wants to kill you.

ME: FAWK! I just posted this.

Oh, the fucking irony...

There couldn't have been a more appropriate sidebar picture when I clicked into this thread:

Can someone tweet that to Tranpa?



I'm very anti Islam but I know if your going for the maths side of things you'd need a fuck load of skittles



I thought he was the one who got invited to one of Ant's parties after the firing and everyone was sucking his dick.

Then deleted and made a couple new accounts after being exposed as a lame podcast host and trying to plug it in every thread. But had to delete those because he started bragging about having the inside scoop in the comedy scene because he was doing open mics.

Am I getting these queers mixed up?

Can someone tweet that to Tranpa?

I remember him being cool at first. Seemed like a lucky fan who found himself at Ant's house

Then he started plugging his shitty podcast that was trashed constantly. Had to change his username to avoid hate...? Just guessing. Created some alt account to keep plugging it

Then made a new account to speak about the comedy scene. Took on this air of superiority when someone disagreed with him. Like the "civilians" argument those 25 year comics make, except its from a 1st year open mic. The mentality of, "what do you know about comedy, maaaan!" Ugh relax

Now he has an alias to make movie quotes...?

I may be wrong but this is what i remember. I don't think he's a terrible guy, just a douchebag.