What are your favorite WTF eps

0  2016-09-20 by duranfarbissina

I know we're not particularly fans of the Marc Maron but I'd go

1) Norm 2) Patrice 3) Louis (first one) 4) Big Jay 5a) Bob Kelly 5b) Jim Morton



i liked it when Obama said nigger

i LOVE the one with that black fella president

Bob Zmuda was the best one because he kept Maron quiet.

Intern David

The one where he talked about having body image issues because of his controlling mother as if he was interesting for 20 minutes in the beginning.


No dude. He somehow makes them unfunny and all of the people I like who go on I've already heard all the stories already usually


No thanks.

Rick Shapiro, cause he's too real for Marc to deal with.

I like the episodes where he had drama with the comedian guest. Then the guest tells Maron that he's a dick and a psycho and Maron says he's insecure and he's kind of sorry. Then they have a really uncomfortable interview where Maron gets visibly upset anytime the other comedian mentions any accomplishment since he's such an insecure loser.

WTF is the shittiest podcast. I don't care for any of it.