Joseph Cumia, a known rasist is still spreading hate amongst the east coast.

3  2016-09-20 by I_Booped_Your_Nose

Email these businesses and let them know they are employing a known racist.


Great. Europe already hates the USA and Leech Joe is just going to make things worse.

"Hey Mario whatta da USA tryna do to us? Dey senda da shitty cover band to us wit da nigger guitar player who claima to be italiano. Looka he can barely playa da guitar. I tinka dey tryna piss us offa."

See, they spelled the Italy stuff out like an Italian flag... YYYEEEESSSHHHHHHHH

You're messing with his livelihood

thOCT20 Italy Tour Begins

OCT21 Naples, Italy ( Almost Journey w/Guests 2U )

OCT22 Gaeta, Italy ( Almost Journey w/Guests 2U )

suOCT23 Italy Tour Ends


Because Italy hates racists right?

when I read that he was playing an assisted living facility I actually pitied him a little bit.

The man has a head of rrrrrock

Almost Journey (w/Guests 2U )

Sorry what? The whole band just changes clothes and does another few songs? That's 'guests'?

I'd call him a racist, but I wouldn't say he's known.

Oh heeza gonna like all da Africans in dat boot they call a country. Momma nigga,where's all da white people go.

Damn I spelled racist wrong :(

it's pretty incredible