Kurt Metzger’s Appearance on ‘Bennington Show’ Was Revealing, but Not In the Way He Intended

1  2016-09-20 by [deleted]



What's with all the downvotes here?


Holy fucking rambling nonsense. A fucking mediocre comic with severe drug and mental issues did a thing, got in trouble, and backpeddled like a bitch. That's it. Story over. It happens like once a week. It doesn't need a fucking scholarly dissertation on the matter.

He completely misrepresents what his point was as is the usual

Scrolled to bottom, saw article entitled 'Let's talk about SNL's diversity problem!' Tab promptly closed.

Why do you faggots link these blogger cunts articles.

Too many faggots on here today. Imagine supporting Kurt Metzger, Barry Crimmins and UCB. You can't die of AIDS fast enough for my liking.

The only thing more irritating than Commander Kucks schizophrenia is this comedy bloggers and their essays.

Next time write some summary instead of dumping a link and making me read that shit.

Kucked again. The cartel owns him now.

Nathan's a fag.

Faggot cucks are heavy with the down votes today. Fuck Kuck, Fuck faggot Jew Nathan Rabin, fuck that fag Barry Crimmins and fuck faggot supporters of those faggots.

just cant bring myself to read that many paragraphs about a man like kuck me tzger. can anyone do a TL;DR summary?

If not, even better.

His girlfriend with the "Property Of Sherrod" tramp stamp got death threats because of Kuck's Facebook rant. He got depressed and was going to kill himself after watching Sherrod fuck her one more time. Then Barry Crimmins talked him out of it and told him to come forward with his own abuse story.

So basically fuck this Barry Crimmins faggot.

What's it like being mentally ill? Are you aware that you're unstable or do you perceive yourself as normal?

If you listened to the podcast and have a brain, you probably don't need to read the article. It's a good one and I'm glad it's out there, but Metzger was so transparent and unhinged in that interview that it's not hard to draw the same conclusions as the author.
