Proof women are funny.

42  2016-09-20 by cbanks420lol


I had heard about this and not actually seen the video. It's more awful than I ever imagined.

Amy "hamming" up her bomb made it even more worse than it should have been.

I bet Amy thought that "fattening" up that "wretched sow-cunt" of a terrible joke would "cushion" the blow.

"I'm a hack, but I know I'm a hack, so that's less hacky, right? GIRL POWER!!!"

That woman next to her looked like she wanted to die when she yelled "OB TAMPOOOOOOOON WOOOOOO!"

Hogging the mic then hamming the bomb was bad. But they way she kept talking with her back to the host....that's just being pig ignorant.

Yeah, the Negro dialect on it made me want to puke. She does not understand comedy.

My vagina!

She goes full Pauly Shore at the end.

No Weezin' the Juice!

If Amy's sister wasn't there when she made that dumb tampon joke that skeleton would have just cringed and went to commercial break.

Anyone else think Amy uses her gross sister as a security blanket? She's at every event with her. What other celebrities do you see walking around with their family members at events?

That pig is insecure because she knows that she has no business hanging out with beautiful celebrities.

What other celebrities do you see walking around with their family members at events?

jimmy would bring kenny if he was ever invited to an event

The key word was celebrity not has been.

Having Amy schumer talk about her tampons is like having John Goodman talk about his Tucks™ medicated hemorrhoid pads.


I'd listen to John Goodman talk about anything. SheDDep...

Shut the fuck up Donny!

John Goodman is a scholar and a gentleman. Anyone who doesn't like him can geeeetttt out.

Ronnie B: Look like a million bucks, John!

John Goodman: Thanks, pal!

Even that other actress is creeped out

That's her sister.

No titties in that dumpy family.

The original seed must be spliced with something awful. There's no talent in that family.

Not enough Jew? Or too much Jew?

she's heard that "joke" before

You know what's crazier than Anthony looking for his gun? I used to think that this sub was a little obsessive when it came to this "Hehehe I'm a slut" Pig but then I was driving and the Radio literally spat out this line and treated it as if it the funniest thing ever.


I'm glad Matt and Trey are doing season long arcs now. Very likely this will be made fun of on SP this week or next if they still do it the episodes the week of.

Edit: Also, she's a fatty.

I'm pretty sure a dude in the background says "shut up" & then starts making fun of her.

What what!!
Shut Up!!

what legend yelled shut up in the background?

hopefully the jew who decides which other jew we have to see on tv

Yikes that was cringe. Why was she dancing? And was she getting booed as well?

The hosts rubs her neck slowly as they keep dancing and she joins in because she feels sorry for the pig.

Her fucking delivery... fuck me..

She keeps trying to wind it up, even taking attention from her own sister, before it just falls flat. What a mess.

She just couldn't wait to fire off that OB tampon line and her sister was collateral damage

One might think, the right *reaction to getting destroyed on South Park is to tone down your hackiness, but of course Amy won't have it. She rather bombs in front of a TV audience and makes everybody feel ashamed for her... So brave!

I loved Bonnie's documentary of a similar name. If you're a nobody female comic who's only credit is being married to a funny comic who finished 4th on last comic standing in 2004, your best business move is to make the same exact documentary at the same time as Joan Rivers!

Reading the line it didn't sound completely unfunny to me. But fuck was that an awful delivery

She acts like a child who thinks she is smarter than grown ups.

The host cringed the fuck out.

The look on her sister's face says "God, I didn't think she would actually do that awful line." Then she's just stuck in the awkward

I hate so many things about this cunt. I hate that she, by some miracle, became famous, and didn't even have the basic self-discipline to not double in weight. I hate that she's an obnoxious SJW whose jokes rely on exploiting racial, homophobic, and gender stereotypes. I hate that she isn't even remotely funny. Isn't witty. Isn't original. Isn't relevant. Isn't intelligent. Probably isn't a very nice person. I hate her. I hope she dies soon.

i was watching this video off ur Twitter earlier, while I was making a burger and I ended up burning myself with grease.

I'm sorry, boogsuge. You're one of the good non-whites.

I blame Amy for making me so disgusted that i stopped paying attention

Panera serves burgers now?

I was hoping it would have been dried jizz and you were just being a silly goose

This is no laughing matter. I was assaulted by Amys unfunny fatness through the Internet. Thinking of suing

You should. She must be stopped somehow.

You were raped, report it on twitter you brave soul

It's not a terrible line if you deadpan it. But the quasi-Oprah voice and shitty dancing was horrific.

"We're available for hosting g-gigs..." * slinks away *

I...I...I just fuckin hate her

Why did that entertainment tonight host make a pig put on a dress and do a jig??

Watching this made my teeth itch.

Women are really funny! Various social media feeds I have are littered with "hilarious" stuff like this from funny women:

Because just acting cutesty and quirky is funny stuff, it should def be put into a "webisode" format and put out there so we can all share in your unique and comical interpretation of life through these zany characters. Caution: Your ribs may be hurtin' after this!! LOLLL!!!!

Aisha Tyler is right, it's tragic to not see enough women on comedy line ups and in comedy entertainment. We're only keeping them away because they have vaginas, the talent is obviously there. It's just the misogynistic white men that run Hollywood keeping them out of things.

HELLO! HELLO! (smiles desperately at host)

I love you

I love you

An O.B. tampon

I guess she forgot about the E.S.E?


SeaBass420lowlow killing it for us today on the twitter. sniff

piggy has the worst valley girl voice ive ever heard. why she isn't fodder 4 norton's ridicule is beyond me. she attracts the cringe overconfident 'I'm a comedy superfan' girl with her 'we fuck strangers and we Love it!!!' rallying cry

Patrice would have never let this slide nor would he have allowed Jimmy to.

this is on front page

r/videos roasting her right now lol

It's sad, I remember when Amy was this kind of cute girl who would pop up on O&A every now and then which was charming. Now that she is way oversaturated she is just cringe worthy. I think she feels pressured to always be on, I man she could have just showed up and smiled and attended the event.

Proof that* women are fawkin' hilarious*

John Goodman is a scholar and a gentleman. Anyone who doesn't like him can geeeetttt out.

Shut the fuck up Donny!

hopefully the jew who decides which other jew we have to see on tv