Opie starts to give his opinion, then remembers halfway through his statement that it is actually his brother's opinion.

0  2016-09-19 by onadoor


Does this guy have any actual thoughts of his own?

"That's the bit".

What a faggot, he plugs his brothers myspace lol

Have you seen the Patrice episode where he spends the first 15 minutes of the show reading his brother's "funny" Myspace posts?

That sounds like some good hate fuel have a link?


It was such an embarrassingly bad impression to leave on Patrice. It really shows how much Anthony had to put up with over the years.

You can tell Anthony wants to bash him but Opie just keeps going "aaaaalright" or laughing at them.

Can certainly tell where Opie gets his awful inspiration for "shock" humor. This is all shit I could picture Opie saying, unironically.

Like the "well I give nuns the finger with my left hand and fondle homeless bag ladies with my right... so I guess Im ambidextrious?"


This was around the time where you could sense Ant's irritation starting to build. He would still give Op sympathy laughs, but once Jimmy and the comics became regulars, there was no going back to pretending unfunny shit was funny.

It wouldn't even be so bad if Opie knew how to read a room and could see how bored everyone was. Patrice was almost silent and Ant did the bare minimum to humor Opie, but he just kept going.

I do find it funny how obviously disappointed he was that no one found it funny.

"Uhh... (sighs)... It just goes on and on."

At that point I was actually thinking "wow did he notice how bad this is?" Nope, he just goes on to keep reading.

Even if it meant being financially stable the rest of my life, I would never want to trade places with Opie. I only hope he's aware on some level how bad he is and it tortures him to no end.

FUCK. I just listened to the first "quote" from his brother's MySpace and physically shuddered. That is fucking embarrassing.

You are a doll :)

7:30 for mobile.